
Best Discord Bot template with Dashboard and Documentation

MIT License


Discord Bot Template

The powerful discord bot template with Next.js Dashboard and Discord.js v14.


  • Node.js Discord Bot with discord-fp
  • Dashboard using Next.js App Router
  • Documentation Website
  • Kafka Event Streaming (Communication between server and dashboard)
  • Database (Default: Vercel Posgres + Drizzle ORM)

Quick Start

Demo: https://money-shark.vercel.app


Clone the project:

git clone https://github.com/SonMooSans/discord-bot-template.git

Install dependencies, notice that this project uses pNPM as package manager:

pnpm i


This project is a monorepo, You can run the project in development mode:

pnpm run dev

Create Production Build:

pnpm run build

Discord OAuth

Add https://<app_url>/api/auth/callback as a Redirect Uri in Developer Portal.

Environment Variables

Required variables are listed in .env.example.

This project uses Upstash Kafka, you can register an account and get required credentials there.

By default, it uses Vercel Postgres as the database provider, please follow their docs to setup database.


This project uses Drizzle ORM and Vercel Postgres, you may migrate to other ORMs and database provider if you wanted.

Push database changes:

pnpm run db:push

Please make sure all environment variables are all settled before running the command.

Learn More about Drizzle ORM from their documentation.

Project Structure

This project is using Turborepo, you can learn more about it from their documentation.

Package Description
apps/web Web App + Documentation (Frontend)
apps/bot Discord Bot
packages/docs Documentation (Content + Utils)
packages/ui Components & Utils
packages/db Database Schema & Client
packages/config Configuration Files

Learn more about these packages by reading their README.md file


It'll checks for user permissions before doing any operations.

You can enable permission checking in a Server Action or Route Handler by doing:

import { checkPermissions } from "@/utils/actions/permissions";

export async function myAction() {
    "use server";

    //notice that it is an async function
    await checkPermissions();


Don't depend on "Server"

We use Kafka for handling real-time operations via dashboard, so that no requests will be sent to the server that hosts the discord bot directly.

This brings a faster load speed and more better stability because the dashboad will still works even if the discord bot is temporarily unavailable.

Serverless Ready

The dashboard is built for serverless, you are able to deploy it to any serverless hosting platforms such as Vercel, Azure and AWS.

Because they will connect to the Discord Gateway or even need a sharding manager which isn't suitable in a serverless environment.


Typesafe is the key to maintain a large codebase. Although Javascript + JSDocs is perfect for libraries, it's still recommended to use Typescript for writing applications.

This template is fully written in Typescript, all the type errors will be reported at build time.


It is easy to deploy this application.

Web App

The fastest way to deploy Next.js applications is to use Vercel.

Bot Server

Any hosting platform that supports Node.js, such as AWS, Render, Railway.

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