
🖇️ A web app where users can log in and create their own list of things (e.g. songs, movies, anime) and share them publicly.

MIT License


Nuxt LinkTree

This web app is a platform that allows users to create and share their own lists of their top 20 items in various categories such as songs, movies, or anime. The technology stack used for building this app includes Nuxt.js version 3, Supabase, Prisma, and Tailwind CSS. Users can log in and create their own lists, which are stored in a database and can be publicly shared with other users.


  • Server Side Rendered
  • Signin, Signup with email and password
  • Signin, Signup with google
  • Reset Password options
  • Email Verification with link
  • Deployed in Vercel
  • Form Validation with vuelidate
  • Server side auth middleware
  • SEO Friendly
  • Use NuxtIcon for Icons
  • Use NuxtImg for optimized image view



Hosted on Vercel: npm run build

Build Setup

Requires Node.js 16+

# install dependencies
yarn install

# serve in dev mode, with hot reload at localhost:5173
yarn run dev

# build for production
yarn run build

# serve in production mode
yarn run  preview