
View your p4nth3rworld inventory, read the manual, and more!


Welcome to

Read the community wiki

The game doesn't stop when the stream ends

p4nth3rworld is a multiplayer text-based game powered by a live coding stream at

Learn how to play the game

About this repository

This project is the frontend companion app for p4nth3rworld, offering players an opportunity to:

  • view their inventory of items
  • view (evolving) metadata about the game and the world
  • and more (eventually!)

The game is powered by the p4nth3rb0t-mainframe backend, which also provides the APIs for game data for this project. The backend is closed-source.

Any bugs you find or features you wish to see implemented in p4nth3rworld can be submitted as issues in this repository.

This is a community project built using Nuxt and Tailwind. To get involved, contribute by submitting feature requests, bugs, or by submitting pull requests for existing issues.

Project setup

Clone the repo, and install dependencies. For a seamless experience (and to avoid committing other lock files to the repo), please use pnpm.

pnpm install

Environment variables

The inventory view is behind authentication, which is powered by your Twitch login. You'll need three environment variables to enable authentication when running the app locally.

  1. Copy the .env.example file provided to the root of the project, and change the name of the file to .env.
  2. Go to the Twitch Developer Console, log in via Twitch, and create a new app.
  3. Name your app something meaningful, like p4nth3rworld DEV.
  4. Add the following OAuth Redirect URL: http://localhost:3000/api/auth/twitch
  5. Copy the provided Client ID and paste into your env file as the value for NUXT_OAUTH_TWITCH_CLIENT_ID
  6. Generate a new Client Secret (remember to tick "I'm not a robot"), and paste into your env file as the value for
  7. Generate a random string (less than 32 characters) and paste into your env file as the value for

Development Server

Start the development server on http://localhost:3000:

pnpm run dev

More about Nuxt

Look at the Nuxt 3 documentation to learn more.

Extracted from project README
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