
Full Stack React JS Project ( Job Portal )


Full Stack Job Portal

This is a Full Stack Job Portal built using React JS, Tailwind CSS, Supabase, Clerk Authentication, and Shadcn UI. The project showcases a modern, responsive, and feature-rich job portal, demonstrating a comprehensive skill set in full-stack development.


  • User Authentication: Secure authentication system using Clerk.
  • Supabase Integration: Data management and backend services handled by Supabase.
  • Shadcn UI Components: Utilized Shadcn UI for a consistent and sleek user interface.
  • Responsive Design: Styled with Tailwind CSS to ensure mobile responsiveness and ease of use.
  • Job Listings: Users can view, search, and filter job listings.
  • Save/Unsave Jobs: Users can save jobs for later reference.
  • Job Applications: Users can apply for jobs and track their application status.
  • User Onboarding: New users are guided through an onboarding process.
  • Company Management: Employers can add new companies and post jobs.
  • Application Management: Users can view their applications, and employers can track applicants.
  • Protected Routes: Ensured route protection based on user authentication.
  • Deployment: Deployed on a suitable hosting platform for public access.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: React JS, Tailwind CSS, Shadcn UI
  • Backend: Supabase
  • Authentication: Clerk
  • State Management: React Hook Form, Zod
  • Custom Hooks: Created for data fetching and other reusable functionalities

Database Schema

Below is the database schema used in the project:

Setup and Installation

To get the project running locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository

    ```bash git clone cd job_portal ```

  2. Install Dependencies

    Make sure you have Node.js installed, then run:

    ```bash npm install ```

  3. Set Up Supabase

    • Create a project on Supabase.
    • Retrieve your Supabase API URL and Key from the Supabase dashboard.
    • Create the required tables in Supabase as per the data schema.
    • Add these details to your environment variables.
  4. Set Up Clerk Authentication

    • Create an account on Clerk.
    • Set up the authentication configuration as per your needs.
    • Add Clerk credentials to your environment variables.
  5. Environment Variables

    Create a .env file in the root directory and add the following:


  6. Run the Application

    Start the development server:

    ```bash npm start ```

    The application will run on http://localhost:3000.


To deploy the application:

  1. Build the application:

    ```bash npm run build ```

  2. Deploy the build to your preferred hosting platform.