
Use an async function as Tailwind CSS config


Tailwind Async Config.

Use an async function to generate your Tailwind CSS config.


  • Install the package:
  npm install tailwind-async-config
  • Create a file to wrap your async function

    • if you are not using Bun, Then this file should be a commonjs module that has a default export of an async function that returns your tailwind
    • you can not use your tsconfig paths in this file, you must use relative paths.
    • This is an example of what the file should look like:
        const MyAsyncConfig = async () => {
          // Simulate an async operation
         await fetch('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1')
          return {
              extend: {
                  colors: {
                      'primary': '#FF6363'
      module.exports = MyAsyncConfig;
  • Use your file in your tailwind.config.js

          const TailwindAsyncConfig = require("tailwind-async-config").default;
      /** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
          module.exports = {
              content: ["index.html"],
              theme: TailwindAsyncConfig({
                  configPath: "./my-async-config.js",
                  useBun: false,
              plugins: [],
  • If you are using Bun, you must set the useBun option to true, and you must use es module in your async config file.

  • now you can run your project

        npx tailwindcss -i ./src/styles.css -o ./dist/styles.css
  • there is an example at example


Name Default Description
configPath - Path to your async config e.g. "my-async-config.js"
useBun false Whether to use Bun or not, if you are using typescript or es module you must set this option to true