
==== No longer actively maintained ==== Vite + React + Tailwindcss starter. React Router, and React Helmet preconfigured.


Vite React Tailwind Starter

This is a Vite, React and Tailwind CSS project bootstrapped using vite-react-tailwind-starter created by Theodorus Clarence.

  • Instant Server Start
  • Lightning Fast HMR
  • Rich Features
  • Optimized Build
  • Universal Plugin Interface
  • Fully Typed APIs

See the deployment on


Clone the template

To clone this template you can use one of the three ways:

1. Use npx degit

npx degit my-app

replace my-app with your application name

2. Use this repository as a template

3. Deploy to vercel

Running The Application

First, install all the dependencies,

npm i
# or

Then, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying pages/Home.jsx. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

What's Inside

Absolute import

You can absolute import by using @/

For example

import UnstyledLink from '@/components/UnstyledLink'

You can also use auto import and it should work automatically.

When you add a new folder in src, add it on the jsconfig.json

  "compilerOptions": {
    "jsx": "preserve",
    "baseUrl": "./src",
    "paths": {
      "@/components/*": ["./components/*"],
      "@/pages/*": ["./pages/*"],
      "@/routes/*": ["./routes/*"],
      // add new folder here

Inter Fonts

Inter fonts is self hosted. The default weights are 400, 600, 700. To add more, use fontsquirrel.

UnstyledLink Component

Used as a component for Next.js Link. Will render out Next/Link if the href started with / or #, else will render an a tag with target='_blank'.

CustomLink Component

An extension of UnstyledLink Component, you can add your default styling for a button/link.

      className={`${props.className} inline-flex items-center font-bold hover:text-primary-400`}

Default Favicon Declaration

Use Favicon Generator and then overwrite the files in /public/favicon

Just-In-Time Tailwindcss

Defaulted to true, you can uncomment the mode='jit' in /tailwind.config.js

Default Styles

There are default styles for responsive heading sizes, and .layout to support a max-width for larger screen size.

Extracted from project README's
Deploy with Vercel
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