
Tauri binding for Python through Pyo3

APACHE-2.0 License



Tauri bindings for Python through Pyo3.


WIP: Currently we only support local development.

Once we publish packages to PyPi,, npm, you can use pytauri for production.


  • Need Rust compiler, but don't need to write Rust code!

  • No IPC (inter-process communication) overhead, secure and fast, thanks to Pyo3!

  • Support Tauri official plugins(e.g., notification), and you can write your own plugins!

  • Ergonomic API (and as close as possible to the Tauri Rust API)

    • Python

      from pydantic import BaseModel
      from pytauri import py_invoke_handler, AppHandle
      from pytauri_plugin_notification import NotificationExt
      class Person(BaseModel):
          name: str
      class Greeting(BaseModel):
          message: str
      def greet(person: Person, app_handle: AppHandle) -> Greeting:
          notification_ext = NotificationExt(app_handle)
          notification = notification_ext.notification()
          notification.builder().title("Greeting").body(f"Hello, {}!").show()
          return Greeting(message=f"Hello, {}!")
    • Frontend

      import { pyInvoke, fromJson } from "tauri-plugin-pytauri-api";
      export interface Person {
          name: string;
      export interface Greeting {
          message: string;
      export async function greet(person: Person): Promise<Greeting> {
          const response = await pyInvoke("greet", person);
          return fromJson(response);

Early Access

Developer Requirements


  • Tier 1: my primary development environment
    • Windows 10
  • Tier 2: will got bugs fixed and tested
    • Linux
  • Tier 3: will not be tested, may not work
    • MacOS



  • pnpm: See package.json
  • uv: The latest version

System Dependencies


git clone
cd pytauri

pnpm install
# build frontend assets
pnpm -r run build

# virtual environment
uv venv
source .venv/bin/activate  # bash/zsh
# or powershell: .venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1

uv pip install setuptools setuptools-rust setuptools-scm
# install demo
uv sync \
    --no-build-isolation-package=pytauri-demo \


python -m pytauri_demo


See example

  • Backend
    • Python: example\python\pytauri_demo\
    • Rust: example\src\
  • Frontend: example\front\src\ipc.tsx


For Pythoneer

I hope PyTauri can become an alternative to pywebview and Pystray, leveraging Tauri's comprehensive features to offer Python developers a GUI framework and a batteries-included development experience similar to electron and PySide.

PyTauri is inspired by FastAPI and Pydantic, aiming to offer a similar development experience.

For Rustacean

Through Pyo3, I hope Rust developers can better utilize the Python ecosystem (e.g., building AI GUI applications with PyTorch).

Although Rust's lifetime and ownership system makes Rust code safer, Python's garbage collection (GC) will make life easier.

The Future

In the future, I hope PyTauri can integrate with nicegui and gradio, bringing you a Python full-stack (i.g., without Node.js) development experience.


PyTauri is a project that aims to provide Python bindings for Tauri, a cross-platform webview GUI library. Tauri is a trademark of the Tauri Program within the Commons Conservancy and PyTauri is not officially endorsed or supported by them. PyTauri is an independent and community-driven effort that respects the original goals and values of Tauri. PyTauri does not claim any ownership or affiliation with the Tauri Program.


This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0.

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