
Publication of our Oktoberfest Food Dataset for Object Detection methods


Oktoberfest Food Dataset

The data was aquired during Schanzer Almfest at Ingolstadt in 2018 by IlassAG. As a part of a practical at the Data Mining and Analytics Chair by Prof. Gnnemann at TUM we were given the task to count objects at checkout. Therefore we annotated the data with bounding boxes and classes to train an object detection network. Annotated image


You can find the dataset here

  • dataset contains the train and test datasets including the labels
    • the labels can be found in files.txt (OpenCV style)
    • <filename> <number of objects> <classid1> <x1> <y1> <w1> <h1> <classid2> <x2> <y2> <w2> <h2> ...
  • models contains our pretrained tensorflow models (see Preview.ipynb for an example usage)
  • video_data_zipped contains the raw videos from which the dataset were extracted


If you find this work useful you may consider citing our paper

    title={Oktoberfest Food Dataset},
    author={Alexander Ziller and Julius Hansjakob and Vitalii Rusinov and Daniel Z\"ugner and Peter Vogel and Stephan G\"unnemann},

Dataset Description

Data Distribution

Class Id Class Images Annotations average quantity
0 Bier 300 436 1.45
1 Bier Mass 200 299 1.50
2 Weissbier 229 298 1.30
3 Cola 165 210 1.27
4 Wasser 198 284 1.43
5 Curry-Wurst 120 159 1.32
6 Weisswein 81 105 1.30
7 A-Schorle 90 98 1.09
8 Jaegermeister 43 152 3.53
9 Pommes 110 126 1.15
10 Burger 105 122 1.16
11 Williamsbirne 50 121 2.42
12 Alm-Breze 100 114 1.14
13 Brotzeitkorb 65 72 1.11
14 Kaesespaetzle 92 100 1.09
Total 1110 2696 2.43



For training object detection models we used tensorflow's Object Detection API. We trained several different approaches and got best results for a Single Shot Detector (SSD) with Feature Pyramid Networks (FPN). Our evaluation metric was the area under the precision-recall curve on a test set of 86 images (as our goal was to count we ignored the localization).

Approach Backbone model Area Example precision@recall
SSD Mobilenet 0.86 [email protected]
SSD + FPN Mobilenet 0.98 [email protected]
RFCN ResNet-101 0.965 [email protected]


The Evaluation folder contains Jupyter notebooks to evaluate the TensorFlow models.

With the Preview notebook one can try out the pretrained TensorFlow models on arbitrary images.

The CreateTFRecordFile notebook contains code to convert the dataset in to the TFRecord file format so it can be used with the TensorFlow object detection library.

The ShowAnnotations visualizes the bounding boxes of the dataset. Use 'n' for the next image, 'p' for the previous and 'q' to quit.


This was done by Vitalii Rusinov and is further explained in his fork.



In addition, the labels in the PASCAL_VOC format are available in the PASCAL_VOC folder.

Online Notebooks to train Faster RCNN and Retinanet models on the dataset using Google Colaboratory are available here

Faster RCNN Pytorch

RetinaNet Tensorflow


Alexander Ziller: Student of Robotics, Cognition & Intelligence (M.Sc.) at TUM Julius Hansjakob: Student of Informatics (M.Sc.) at TUM Vitalii Rusinov: Student of Informatics (M.Sc.) at TUM

We also want to credit Daniel Zgner for his efforts.