
An open source, friendly human-like chatbot to be with you, forever

CC-BY-4.0 License



This branch is for javascript. Go to typescript branch if you need the typescript project

(This is a much complex system to work with !)

  • Provide your chatbot's details in the .env.example file
  • Change the input as you like in index.js
  • Run the project and you are ready to go

Make it yours

  • Train your AI in the corpus.json file
  • Run javascript/dynamic response using for specific intent (type)
  • DO NOT edit the conf.json file !!
  • Use the response anywhere ! You can make an API or use in your application


This is an CPU intensive task !!

  • NLP (Natural Language Processing) is an CPU and RAM intensive system.
  • Training the ML model is the most computationally intensive task
  • DO NOT run this project on a potato !

How to train the AI ?

It is your job to train the AI. The more you train, the more smarter it gets.

You can train the ai in two ways

  • The easy one

Using the nlpjs module, you can train the system with functions

You can get the manager from the train(nlp) function in index.js

// ------------------------------------
// These should be in a async function !
// ------------------------------------

// Training the input-type relation (user.testing is the type here)
    'im testing you',

// Response for the type of the input (user.testing is the type here)

  • The hard one

You can directly edit the corpus.json to train it. (Prone to more errors)


  "intent": "user.testing", // Initializing the type
  "utterances": [ // Training the input-type relation (user.testing is the type here)
    "im testing you",
    "thats a test"
  "answers": [ // Array of Response for the type of the input (user.testing is the type here)
    "Test me often.",
  • Extras

You need to send a dynamic URL for a specific type of input. But how ?

Its via using !



you need to train the input-type relation in corpus.json

  "intent": "doubt.qna",
  "utterances": [
    "What is wikipedia",
    "What is Ferrari",
    "What is an atom",
    "What is curtain",
    "What is github"


  • the doubt.qna is the type of input
  • the utterances are the inputs to define its type


you need to dynamically respond via

# onIntent(doubt.qna)
// compiler=javascript

{ The JS code }


  • the doubt.qna is the type of input
  • the { The JS code } is your Javascript code for dynamic response