
Google Summer of Code 2019 with TensorFlow: Final Work Product

APACHE-2.0 License


Google Summer of Code 2019: Final Work Product

Organisation: Tensorflow



Re-building the official Tensorflow models to make it TF 2.0 compatible. This project proposes holistic improvements to the models repository to upgrade models/research and models/official. The project scope also includes building new deep learning models and features to improve research prototyping with Tensorflow 2.0. Creating model migration guides for the official models will enable onboarding to TF 2.0 with eager mode for R&D and graph mode for serving.

The official models (including Mask R-CNN and StackGAN) will be upgraded with pipelines and distributed training with DistributionStrategies. Other improvements include bug fixes and the use of tf.GradientTape to compute the gradients more efficiently using Autodifferentiation. The Variational Autoencoders and the GANs projects will be recreated with TF 2.0 with features to train efficiently and export to deploy.


Evaluation Task Link Status Pull Request
E1 Autoencoder Migration Here Complete #68, #6795
E1 Boosted Trees Migration Here WIP - Minor Bug Fixes Branch
E1 Hyperparameter Search Here Complete #84
E1 Custom ResNet - Part 1 Here Complete #79
E2 StackGAN Model Here Complete #77
E2 Mask R-CNN Migration Here Migration Guide #78
E2 Custom ResNet - Part 2 Here Complete #79
E3 Face Aging - Model Here Complete #83
E3 Custom ResNet - Notebook Here Complete #79
E3 Autoencoder - Notebook Here Complete #68
E3 Mask R-CNN - TF 2.0 Model Here Ongoing #78

Work Done


Migrated the model at models/research to use tf.GradientTape() and the Subclassing API. A corresponding notebook uses the model and showcases both eager mode training with GradientTape and graph mode training with The eager mode training also uses the @tf.function decorator to get a graph of the function.

Custom ResNet for TinyImageNet

Most scholars who complete the Stanford CS231N course attempt the final assignment to train a model on the TinyImageNet dataset without transfer learning. But, those scholars with resource constraints or only Google colab to fall back on find it difficult to train a decent model . This is a custom ResNet with 10x lesser parameters for image classification on the TinyImageNet dataset. The training strategy and data loading features are made efficient to enable training on Google colab. The model training uses progressive resizing of image sizes to enable the model to learn scale independent semantic features. The data is loaded using the ImageDataGenerator class.


Model created from the paper [Arxiv Link] to train on the CUB 200 dataset for birds. There are 2 stages in the model. Stage 1 takes the latent space and a conditioning vector as input to generate 64x64 resolution images. The model uses pre-trained Char-RNN-CNN embeddings. Stage 2 generates 256x256 resolution images based off of the generated images from Stage 1 of the StackGAN.


From the hype of FaceApp, the fully trained Age-cGAN model can be used to build your very own version. Although the model is currently training and the weights are yet to be uploaded, the script can be used to train an age conditional GAN on the Wiki cropped faces dataset. The training occurs in 3 phases: GAN training, latent vector approximation and latent vector optimization.

Hyperparameter Tuning

This notebook was initially supposed to be a logo classifier akin to the Google I/O 19 demo, but the dataset was never made public. Hence, this is a Keras-Tuner notebook that shows 'hypertuning for humans' based on a comparison between a regular model and one marked for hyper-parameter tuning.

Mask R-CNN [WIP]

This model was supposed to be a migration of the most authoritative Mask R-CNN implementation available. Although the basic migartion was done, the very model uses a lot of graph functions that are still being fixed by me. I have translated a lot of the functions but hit quite a few roadblocks with NaNs. I plan on rebuilding the entire model from scratch being TF 2.0 native. This is the only task left to be completed.



All pull requests can be found here PRs Link

  • Phase 1: Completed the autoencoder migration and the corresponding notebook with both eager mode and graph mode training. Worked on the Boosted Trees Estimator and found a few bugs that caused the model to not learn at all. I then worked on the Keras-Tuner logo classifier based off of the Google I/O demo and also completed the R&D for the Custom ResNet model.
  • Phase 2: Completed the R&D and created the entire StackGAN model for the CUB 200 birds dataset. Trained the model for 250 epochs on my GPU with decent results. Completed the basic Mask R-CNN migration and was left with some bugs and architectural changes necessary to be TF 2.0 compatible. I also completed training and testing 10-12 ResNet models across 5 colab accounts to get the most efficient strategy.
  • Phase 3: Completed the R&D and created the Age Conditional GAN for the Wiki cropped faces dataset. The plan was to train it on GCP and upload the weights for developers to make their own FaceApp, but due to the lack of cloud credits, this was put away for the time being. The final custom resnet model was chosen from among the multiple models built and the corresponding notebook was completed. The final autoencoder notebook was also completed. All models and their respecive bugs were fixed and the corresponding documentation was updated.

What's left?

  • Mask R-CNN fixes and possible rebuild from scratch to be TF 2.0 native.
  • Age-cGAN Trained Weights for developers to build their own version of FaceApp.
  • The Age-cGAN preprocesses all 62k images and stores it in a list just once to use it for every epoch without having to preprocess all the images over and over again. This has a significany overhead first up but eases it for the rest of the training. This may have a better solution.


  • The most challenging task was the Mask R-CNN migration. I spent a lot of time on this and even translated the autodiff code that used graph functions. The migration was not fully completed and a possible rebuild from scratch might be a better alternative.


  • I learnt a whole lot of best practices in these 3 months along with building for scale and writing maintainable code. I got an in-depth look into tensorflow as a framework and all the amazing code written that makes this the most popular AI framework.
  • Not to forget the amazing mentors I had who helped me along the way and solved all my doubts at the earliest. I also got a taste of just how much effort goes into benchmarking and creating official deep learning model implementations.