
An experiment in VAE-based artistic style transfer by embedding fiddling.


Convolutional VAE Style Transfer

The project was created as part of the Creative Applications of Deep Learning with TensorFlow (CADL) Kadenze course's final assignment. It is an experimental attempt to transfer artistic style learned from a series of paintings "live" onto a video sequence by fitting a variational autoencoder with 512 codes to both paintings and video frames, isolating the mean feature-space embeddings and modifying the video's embeddings to be closer to those of the paintings.

Because the general visual quality of the VAE's decoded output is relatively low, a convolutional post-processing network based on residual convolutions was trained with the purpose of making the resulting image less similar to the VAE's generated output and more similar to the original input images. The basic idea was to have an upsampling network here, but it quickly turned out to be a very naive idea at this point of development. Instead, it now downsizes the input, learns filters in a residual network and then samples back up to the input frame size; I would have liked to perform convolutions directly on the input, but memory limitations prevented the usage of a useful amount of feature maps.

The combined network makes the processing pipeline consist of an encoder, a variational embedding, a decoder and a generator; sort of a three-quarter deep convolutional VAEGAN architecture minus the adversarial training. No cross-validation, dropout or regularization procedures have been used in order to get the network to as closely fit the inputs as possible.

Image frame size was fixed to 320x180 because of said memory limitations; The VAE uses 6 layers with increasing feature map sizes in an attempt to make up for this. Training the whole network took about three days on an Nvidia GTX 980TI.

Training inputs

The paintings and videos used are:

Because more video frames were available than paintings, only every tenth frame was used from them. Black borders have been cropped and the frames were resampled to 320x180, RGB.

Finally, the trained VAE was used on a video unrelated to the training process,

Resulting media

The evaluation script creates video-only MP4 files to which I added back the music from the original videos using ffmpeg. Some videos have been uploaded to Vimeo. For copyright reasons, the videos are protected with the password


You can find them here

The Daft Punk video is, in my opinion, by far the most interesting: Because the input was never seen during training, the network had to make things up on its own. For See You Hurry and Magnets, movement is a bit choppy due to the reduced amount of frames the network was trained on. It can also be seen that faster motion tends to correlate with more colorful rendition, whereas the fog in the See You Hurry video doesn't do the video any favor at all.

Training process

Data is extracted using and written to .tfrecord.gz files for later usage. The script is used to validate correctness. performs the actual training based on the TFRecord files. The network was pre-trained using See You Hurry and the Afremov paintings, to which I later added the Magnets video frames (that part went well). Learning that VAE is very slow, although adding another training set did not appear to make it worse. I stopped training the VAE after approximately 30 hours and left the refining network running for about 12 hours, at which point improvement was noticeable, yet very subtle.

The script takes the network checkpoints produced by TensorFlow's Supervisor and exports them as reusable protocol buffer files. The evaluate*.py load these files in order to perform inference and some tests on the latent embedding vectors.

Finally, is used to process videos using the network.

Impressions from the VAE training process

After the VAE training reached a certain point, convergence slowed down. The following graph depicts the change of loss over about 31 hours, where the bump/spike at 3pm (12 hours in) depicts the moment I added the second video to the learning process. Note that the loss scale is logarithmic.

This is a screenshot about nineteen hours into the learning process ...

... while this is about four hours later.

A video of the learning progress over about 9000 batch iterations is assembled here:

Impressions from the refinement network training process

The following graph depicts the change of loss over about 12 hours, again with logarithmic loss scale:

The below screenshot shows the output of the VAE on the top and the refined images on the bottom after training; note that the images appear to feature sharper edges and smoother areas.

Further experiments

In order to get a cleaner outcome, I assume a real VAEGAN approach might be more fruitful.

Copyright and Licenses

The original videos and paintings are copyrighted by their respective copyright holders and used only in a fair use context. The VAE implementation and related utilities are copyrighted by Parag Mital (2016) and can be found on his CADL repository.

Extracted from project README
9000 iterations of a Variational Autoencoder learning