VGG models from ILSVRC 2014


VGGs in TensorFlow

This repository comes with VGG implementation in TensorFlow. VGG took the 2nd place of the ILSVRC-2014 Competition.

Currently, the VGG models in this repo have been tested with CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 dataset. As an indivisual deep learner, it is hard to manage such a huge dataset, ImageNet. However, I will keep working on the ImageNet dataset, please wait for it.

VGG16 VGG16 model example figure from Ref.

VGG: Visual Geometry Group @Oxford University

Required Packages

  • scikit-images
  • pickle
  • tqdm
  • numpy
  • tensorflow-gpu (>1.7)


  • From command line
    • Will download CIFAR-10 or CIFAR-100 dataset and pre-process of it, and run the training on VGG. It will produce the checkpoint file for performing inference later.
python --model-type ['A'|'A-LRN'|'B'|'C'|'D'|'E'] --dataset ['cifar10'|'cifar100']
  • From source code
import cifar10_utils
import cifar100_utils
from vgg import VGG

valid_set = (valid_features, valid_labels)

# model type, D is the most well known VGG16 without 1D conv layer
# check the bottom section to see what model types are supported
vggNet = VGG(dataset='cifar10', model_type='D', learning_rate=0.0001)

Experiment on CIFAR-10 dataset (Not Yet Tested)

  • Environment
    • Floydhub GPU2 instance (1 x Tesla V100)


  • A : 11 weight layers
  • A-LRN : 11 weight layers with Local Response Normalization
  • B : 13 weight layers
  • C : 16 weight layers with 1D conv layers
  • D : 16 weight layers
  • E : 19 weight layers