
Personal compilation for best pratices for VPC Network architectures on AWS to improve performance, high avalilability and security for your apps.

MIT License


Personal compilation for best practices for VPC Network architectures on AWS to improve performance, high availability and security for your apps


Network Tips

Using two or more AZ's for high availability

  • Deploy your services and applications on two or more Availability zone on AWS
  • This prevent total outage into your application in case of AWS failures
  • This is helps you on spot requests
  • Enable Multi A-Z on Elasticache and RDS instances
  • Create read replicas to your databases in a different AZ's

Don't use main route table

  • The main route table controls the default traffic from your VPC network. For more control and compliance management, don't use it.
  • The main route table is recommended to simple and low scope architectures.
  • For more complex and compliance environment, the recommendation are create your on route tables with your rules from internet and additional VPC Peering links.

Deploy public subnets on all AZ's

  • Network Load Balancers and Some Network functions needs a public subnets deployed to works fine.
  • If you deploy an ALB to balance the traffic between your instances or containers, technically AWS will deploy that service to a public subnet in each Availability Zone you choose to route.
  • This publics subnets can be used to deploy bastion hosts, third-part applications, satellite services like monitoring systems, CI/CD Pipeline, Big Data Services to support teams and business dynamically/

Applications on Private Subnets

  • Containers, EC2 should not have accessed directly from the Internet by public IP's.
  • The application layer must be served by a single access point, such as an Application Load Balancer, Classic Load Balancer, or Network Load Balancer.
  • Nginx, HAProxy, Ingress Controllers, API Gateways, ALB, ELB, NLB deployed on Public Subnets must route all DMZ access to private subnets

VPC Endpoints for AWS Services

  • Crete VPC Endpoint to consume AWS services without using a Internet Gateway or NAT Gateway with Internet Access.

  • VPC Endpoints can be used to improve latency performance with security with common AWS services like S3, API Gateway, SQS, ECR, SNS, DynamoDB and Load Balancers.

  • You can create a microservices gateway using VPC Endpoints for ALB and API Gateway

Route all outbound traffic from private subnets to a NAT Gateway

  • Creating routing rules of all outbound traffic from the network to a NAT Gateway, you can enjoy a fixed outgoing IP
  • Fixed outbound IPs can help you identify with third-party gateways, partners, friendly firewalls, and IPsec connections for Multicloud.

Databases subnets with no internet direct access

  • For compliance management, your databases, cache layers and data warehouses like RDS, Elasticache, Elasticsearch, DB's on EC2, Redshift, Bigdata Stacks should be deployed on a segmented subnets without access to internet.
  • No data should be accessed directly from the internet., only by applications deployed on your VPC.
  • For multicloud, the recommendations are create a IPsec Connections or VPN Connections site-to-site.

VPC Flow Logs

  • Enable VPC Flow logs to enhance your network monitoring

Network ACL's and Security Group

  • Block all outside traffic to private subnets and allow traffic only by VPC IP Range
  • Block all egress traffic from database subnets
  • Only allow public subnet ingress to really useful public ports, like 80, 443, 22 etc.

Cloudfront for Content Distribution on DMZ

Enable AWS WAF on your Load Balancers, Cloudfront Distribuitions or API Gateways

Terraform Example


terraform init


terraform apply

Run tests

terraform plan


Matheus Fidelis


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Copyright 2019 Matheus Fidelis. This project is MIT licensed.

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