
This repository contains a collection of Terraform configurations and scripts developed as part of my studies and exploration of deploying and managing resources on Microsoft Azure using Terraform. The studies cover a range of Terraform features and Azure services, demonstrating practical examples of infrastructure as code (IaC) on a cloud platform

MIT License


Terraform Azure Studies

This repository contains a collection of Terraform configurations and scripts developed as part of my studies and exploration of deploying and managing resources on Microsoft Azure using Terraform. The studies cover a range of Terraform features and Azure services, demonstrating practical examples of infrastructure as code (IaC) on a cloud platform.


  • 00-Resources: Starter resources and foundational configurations.
  • 10-TF-Azure-Linux-VM: Deployment and management of a Linux virtual machine on Azure.
  • Meta Arguments ([depends_on], [count], [for_each]): Examples showcasing the use of Terraform's meta-arguments such as depends_on, count, and for_each for creating dynamic and conditional resource deployments.
  • Lifecycle: Configurations that demonstrate managing resource lifecycle events like create_before_destroy, prevent_destroy, and ignore_changes.
  • Input Variables: Demonstrations on the use of input variables in Terraform, including basic prompts, default values, and more advanced variable types like collections.
  • Provisioners: Examples of using provisioners such as file, local-exec, and remote-exec to execute scripts on resources after they are created.
  • State Management and Imports: Configurations related to managing the Terraform state, importing existing resources into Terraform, and using terraform import.
  • Modules: Reusable Terraform modules, including examples of public and local modules for organizing and reusing code.
  • Static Website on Azure: Setup of a static website hosted on Azure using Terraform.


This repository serves as a learning and reference resource for anyone looking to understand and apply Terraform in managing Azure infrastructure. It provides hands-on examples and detailed configurations that can be adapted or expanded for more complex use cases.


Feel free to clone the repository and experiment with the configurations. Each directory contains its own README.md file (where applicable) explaining the purpose and usage of the Terraform scripts.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

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