
MPL-2.0 License



A Vault plugin for Couchbase

This project uses the database plugin interface introduced in Vault version 0.7.1.

The plugin supports the generation of static and dynamic user roles and root credential rotation.


To build this package for any platform you will need to clone this repository and cd into the repo directory and go build -o couchbase-database-plugin ./cmd/couchbase-database-plugin/. To test go test will execute a set of basic tests against against the couchbase database image. To test against different sandbox images, for example 5.5.1, set the COUCHBASE_VERSION=5.5.1 environment variable. If you want to run the tests against a local couchbase installation or an already running couchbase container, set the environment variable COUCHBASE_HOST before executing. Note you will need to align the Administrator username, password and bucket_name with the pre-set values in the couchbase_test.go file. Set VAULT_ACC to execute all of the tests. A subset of tests can be run using the command go test -run TestDriver/Init for example.


The Vault plugin system is documented on the Vault documentation site.

You will need to define a plugin directory using the plugin_directory configuration directive, then place the vault-plugin-database-couchbase executable generated above, into the directory.

Please note: Versions v0.2.0 onwards of this plugin are incompatible with Vault versions before 1.6.0 due to an update of the database plugin interface.

Sample commands for registering and starting to use the plugin:

$ SHA256=$(shasum -a 256 plugins/couchbase-database-plugin | cut -d' ' -f1)

$ vault secrets enable database

$ vault write sys/plugins/catalog/database/couchbase-database-plugin sha256=$SHA256 \

At this stage you are now ready to initialize the plugin to connect to couchbase cluster using unencrypted or encrypted communications.

Prior to initializing the plugin, ensure that you have created an administration account. Vault will use the user specified here to create/update/revoke database credentials. That user must have the appropriate permissions to perform actions upon other database users.

Unencrypted plugin initialization

$ vault write database/config/insecure-couchbase plugin_name="couchbase-database-plugin" \
        hosts="localhost" username="Administrator" password="password" \
        bucket_name="travel-sample" \ # only needed for pre-6.5.0 clusters

# You should consider rotating the admin password. Note that if you do, the new password will never be made available
# through Vault, so you should create a vault-specific database admin user for this.
$ vault write -force database/rotate-root/insecure-couchbase

Note: If you want to connect the plugin to a couchbase cluster prior to version 6.5.0 you will also have to supply an existing bucket (bucket_name="travel-sample") or the command will fail with the error message "error verifying connection: error in Connection waiting for cluster: unambiguous timeout".

Encrypted plugin initialization

The example here uses the self signed CA certificate that comes with the out of the box couchbase cluster installation and is not suitable for real production use where commercial grade certificates should be obtained.

$ BASE64PEM=$(curl -X GET http://Administrator:[email protected]:8091/pools/default/certificate|base64 -w0)

$ vault write database/config/secure-couchbase plugin_name="couchbase-database-plugin" \
      hosts="couchbases://localhost" username="Administrator" password="password" \
      tls=true base64pem=${BASE64PEM} \
      bucket_name="travel-sample" \ # only needed for pre-6.5.0 clusters

# You should consider rotating the admin password. Note that if you do, the new password will never be made available
# through Vault, so you should create a vault-specific database admin user for this.
$ vault write -force database/rotate-root/secure-couchbase

Dynamic Role Creation

When you create roles, you need to provide a JSON string containing the Couchbase RBAC roles which are documented here. From Couchbase 6.5 groups are supported and the creation statement can contain just roles or just groups or a mixture of the two. Note to use a group, it must have been created in the database previously.

# if a creation_statement is not provided the user account will default to read only admin, '{"roles":[{"role":"ro_admin"}]}'
$ vault write database/roles/insecure-couchbase-admin-role db_name=insecure-couchbase \
        default_ttl="5m" max_ttl="1h" creation_statements='{"roles":[{"role":"admin"}],"groups":["Supervisor"]}'

$ vault write database/roles/insecure-couchbase-travel-sample-bucket-role db_name=insecure-couchbase \
        default_ttl="5m" max_ttl="1h" creation_statements='{"roles":[{"role":"bucket_full_access","bucket_name":"travel-sample"}]}'
Success! Data written to: database/roles/insecure-couchbase-travel-sample-bucket-role

If you create a role that uses groups on a pre 6.5 couchbase server it will be successful, but when you try to generate credentials you will receive the error rpc error: code = Unknown desc = {"errors":{"groups":"Unsupported key"}} ...

To retrieve the credentials for the dynamic accounts

$ vault read database/creds/insecure-couchbase-admin-role
Key                Value
---                -----
lease_id           database/creds/insecure-couchbase-admin-role/KJ7CTmpFni6U6BCDJ14HcmDm
lease_duration     5m
lease_renewable    true
password           A1a-yCSH5rAh8QAkCzwu
username           v-token-insecure-couchbase-admin-role-yA2hgb0tfewf

$ vault read database/creds/insecure-couchbase-travel-sample-bucket-role
Key                Value
---                -----
lease_id           database/creds/insecure-couchbase-travel-sample-bucket-role/OzHdfkIZdeY9p8kjdWur512j
lease_duration     5m
lease_renewable    true
password           A1a-0yTIuO4q0dCvphz1
username           v-token-insecure-couchbase-travel-sample-bucket-role-iN5

Static Role Creation

In order to use static roles, the user must already exist in the Couchbase security settings. The example below assumes that there is an existing user with the name "vault-edu". If the user does not exist you will receive the following error.

* 1 error occurred:
        * error setting credentials: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = user not found | {"unique_id":"74f229fd-b3b3-4036-9673-312adae094bb","endpoint":"http://localhost:8091"}
$ vault write database/static-roles/static-account db_name=insecure-couchbase \
        username="vault-edu" rotation_period="5m"
Success! Data written to: database/static-roles/static-account

To retrieve the credentials for the vault-edu user

$ vault read database/static-creds/static-account
Key                    Value
---                    -----
last_vault_rotation    2020-06-15T14:32:16.682130141-05:00
password               A1a-09ApRvglZY1Usdjp
rotation_period        5m
ttl                    30s
username               vault-edu


You can run make dev-vault in the root of the repo to start up a development vault server and automatically register a local build of the plugin. You will need to have a built vault binary available in your $PATH to do so.

Acceptance tests

Run make testacc.