
k8s resource deployments with helm, argocd, eks, terraform, s3 helm repo, etc. These includes deployments, services, ingress, vpas, hpas, volumes, roles and role bindings, eks configurations, s3 helm repository configuration via terraform, etc.




This repo contains kubernetes manifests for for deploying the vote-app application and cipher-tool github cipher-tool dockerhub application

  • fork and clone the k8s repo to stay updated with any changes.
    This repo contains codes for :
  • ansible
    • in this configuration, i used terraform to provission an ansible control host and a fleet of servers
    • in the ansible configurations, i have defined roles and playbooks to manage the fleet of servers from the control host
    • i have defind roles to ping, check commecetivity to specific ports and perform apache installations on the server fleets.
    • to run any of the playbooks
      ansible-playbook -i inventory playbook_name.yaml
    • you can also run adhoc or one liners such as the ping command
      ansible -i inventory -m ping
    • ansible connects to the managed servers via ssh, therefore you may need to specify a keypair file, to authenticate connections from the control host to the servers
    • the inventory file contains a list of private ips defined in yaml
  • argo_cd
  • eks - amazon elastic kubernetes service
    • here, I have deffined in terraform how to set up an eks cluster, complete with the nrtworking required to succesfully deploy the vote-app application
    • there are modules which contains the cluster setup, networking and jumper server
    • refer to the eks - amazon elastic kubernetes servicedirectory structure for how to set up a similar cluster via terraform
    • to run this code:
      • (fork)[https://github.com/michaelkedey/k8s/fork] and clone the [k8s repo]
      • make sure you have terraform configured on your local
      • make sure you have awscli configured with the correct iam credentials
      • cd to the eks directory
        cd eks/terraform
      • change the backend configuration to local
        • open the providers.tf file and comment out the backend configuration
        • open the .format.sh script and modify the init command by removing the backend arguement
          terraform init
        • open the env/.terraform.tfvars file and change the the key_name to the iam key you have in aws
        • chnage the private-key to the path to the downloaded key pair on your local machine
      • execute the .format.sh to initialize terraform on your local macchine, and format and valifdate the code
      • run terraform plan to plan the resources that will be created
      • run terraform apply and submit yes when prompted, to create the resources
      • get the cluster name and jumper server public ip from the outputs in the terminal
    • remember eks is very expensive to run, therefor resources must be destroyed after pcatice
    • access the cluster from your local machine
      • run
      aws eks update-kubeconfig --name <cluster-name> --region <cluster-region>
    • verify the eks cluster is accessible from your loca; environemnt
      • run
      kubectl config get-contexts
    • destroy your eks
      terraform destroy --auto-approve
  • helm
  • pod_scalling
  • s3_helm_repo
    • this contains terraform configurations to set up an s3 bucket as a helm `repository
    • to add my vote-app-repo to your helm charts
      • add the repo
        helm repo add s3-repo https://helm-myoneansonlyhelmrepobucket.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
      • update repo list
        helm repo update
      • install the vote-app via the new repo you just added
        helm install vote-app s3-repo/vote-app-chart-1
      • install the cipher-tool via the new repo you just added
        helm install vote-app s3-repo/cipher-tool-v020
      • happy helming

Directory Structure

$ tree
|-- README.md
|-- ansible
|   |-- inventory
|   |-- playbooks
|   |   |-- apache.yaml
|   |   |-- apache2.yaml
|   |   `-- networking.yaml
|   |-- roles
|   |   |-- apache
|   |   |   |-- defaults
|   |   |   |   `-- main.yaml
|   |   |   |-- handlers
|   |   |   |-- meta
|   |   |   |   `-- main.yaml
|   |   |   |-- tasks
|   |   |   |   `-- main.yaml
|   |   |   |-- templates
|   |   |   |   `-- index.html.j2
|   |   |   `-- vars
|   |   `-- networking
|   |       |-- README.md
|   |       |-- defaults
|   |       |-- handlers
|   |       |-- tasks
|   |       `-- vars
|   `-- server_fleet
|       |-- env
|       |   `-- backend.tfvars
|       |-- main.tf
|       |-- modules
|       |   |-- master
|       |   |   |-- data.tf
|       |   |   |-- iam.tf
|       |   |   |-- master.tf
|       |   |   |-- output.tf
|       |   |   |-- provider.tf
|       |   |   |-- ssm_agent.sh
|       |   |   `-- variables.tf
|       |   |-- networking
|       |   |   |-- locals.tf
|       |   |   |-- network.tf
|       |   |   |-- output.tf
|       |   |   |-- provider.tf
|       |   |   |-- store.tf
|       |   |   `-- variables.tf
|       |   `-- servers
|       |       |-- data.tf
|       |       |-- locals.tf
|       |       |-- outputs.tf
|       |       |-- providers.tf
|       |       |-- servers.tf
|       |       `-- variables.tf
|       |-- output.tf
|       |-- providers.tf
|       `-- variables.tf
|-- argo_cd
|   `-- vote_app.yaml
|-- eks
|   |-- kubeconfig
|   `-- terraform
|       |-- env
|       |   `-- backend.tfvars
|       |-- main.tf
|       |-- modules
|       |   |-- cluster
|       |   |   |-- cluster.tf
|       |   |   |-- outputs.tf
|       |   |   |-- provider.tf
|       |   |   |-- ssm_agent.sh
|       |   |   `-- variables.tf
|       |   |-- jumper_server
|       |   |   |-- bastion.tf
|       |   |   |-- output.tf
|       |   |   |-- provider.tf
|       |   |   |-- ssm_agent.sh
|       |   |   `-- variables.tf
|       |   `-- networking
|       |       |-- cluster_network.tf
|       |       |-- locals.tf
|       |       |-- output.tf
|       |       |-- provider.tf
|       |       |-- store.tf
|       |       `-- variables.tf
|       |-- outputs.tf
|       |-- providers.tf
|       `-- variables.tf
|-- get_helm.sh
|-- helm
|   |-- cipher-tool-chart
|   |   |-- Chart.yaml
|   |   |-- charts
|   |   |-- templates
|   |   |   |-- _helpers.tpl
|   |   |   `-- deploy_&_svc
|   |   |       `-- deploy&svc.yaml
|   |   |-- values
|   |   |   |-- dev-values.yaml
|   |   |   |-- prod-values.yaml
|   |   |   |-- staging-values.yaml
|   |   |   `-- values.yaml
|   |   `-- values.yaml
|   |-- vote-app-chart-1
|   |   |-- Chart.yaml
|   |   |-- charts
|   |   |-- templates
|   |   |   |-- _helpers.tpl
|   |   |   |-- deployments
|   |   |   |   |-- db.yaml
|   |   |   |   |-- redis.yaml
|   |   |   |   |-- result.yaml
|   |   |   |   |-- vote.yaml
|   |   |   |   `-- worker.yaml
|   |   |   |-- ingress
|   |   |   |   `-- ingress.yaml
|   |   |   |-- roleBindings
|   |   |   |   `-- all_access_role_binding.yaml
|   |   |   |-- roles
|   |   |   |   `-- all_access_roles.yaml
|   |   |   |-- secrets
|   |   |   |   `-- secret.yaml
|   |   |   |-- service-accounts
|   |   |   |   `-- allAccess.yaml
|   |   |   |-- svcs
|   |   |   |   |-- db-svc.yaml
|   |   |   |   |-- redis-svc.yaml
|   |   |   |   |-- result-scv.yaml
|   |   |   |   `-- vote-svc.yaml
|   |   |   `-- volumes
|   |   |       |-- pv
|   |   |       |   |-- db_pv.yaml
|   |   |       |   `-- redis_pv.yaml
|   |   |       `-- pvc
|   |   |           |-- db_pvc.yaml
|   |   |           `-- redis_pvc.yaml
|   |   |-- values
|   |   |   |-- dev-values.yaml
|   |   |   |-- prod-values.yaml
|   |   |   `-- staging-values.yaml
|   |   `-- values.yaml
|   `-- vote-app-chart-2
|       |-- Chart.yaml
|       |-- charts
|       |-- templates
|       |   |-- _helpers.tpl
|       |   |-- deployments
|       |   |   `-- deploy.yaml
|       |   |-- ingress
|       |   |   `-- ingress.yaml
|       |   |-- roleBindings
|       |   |   `-- all_access_role_binding.yaml
|       |   |-- roles
|       |   |   `-- all_access_roles.yaml
|       |   |-- secrets
|       |   |   `-- secret.yaml
|       |   |-- service-accounts
|       |   |   `-- allAccess.yaml
|       |   |-- svcs
|       |   |   `-- svc.yaml
|       |   `-- volumes
|       |       |-- pv
|       |       |   `-- pvs.yaml
|       |       `-- pvc
|       |           `-- pvcs.yaml
|       |-- values
|       |   |-- dev-values.yaml
|       |   |-- prod-values.yaml
|       |   |-- staging-values.yaml
|       |   `-- values.yaml
|       `-- values.yaml
|-- kube-apiserver.yml
|-- pod_scalling
|   |-- hpa
|   |   |-- helm
|   |   |   `-- vote-app-chart-hpa
|   |   |       |-- Chart.yaml
|   |   |       |-- charts
|   |   |       |-- templates
|   |   |       |   |-- _helpers.tpl
|   |   |       |   |-- deployments
|   |   |       |   |   `-- deploy.yaml
|   |   |       |   |-- hpa
|   |   |       |   |   `-- hpa.yaml
|   |   |       |   |-- ingress
|   |   |       |   |   `-- ingress.yaml
|   |   |       |   |-- roleBindings
|   |   |       |   |   `-- all_access_role_binding.yaml
|   |   |       |   |-- roles
|   |   |       |   |   `-- all_access_roles.yaml
|   |   |       |   |-- secrets
|   |   |       |   |   `-- secret.yaml
|   |   |       |   |-- service-accounts
|   |   |       |   |   `-- allAccess.yaml
|   |   |       |   |-- svcs
|   |   |       |   |   `-- svc.yaml
|   |   |       |   `-- volumes
|   |   |       |       |-- pv
|   |   |       |       |   `-- pvs.yaml
|   |   |       |       `-- pvc
|   |   |       |           `-- pvcs.yaml
|   |   |       |-- values
|   |   |       |   |-- dev-values.yaml
|   |   |       |   |-- prod-values.yaml
|   |   |       |   |-- staging-values.yaml
|   |   |       |   `-- values.yaml
|   |   |       `-- values.yaml
|   |   `-- hpa.yaml
|   |-- metrics-server
|   |   |-- metrics-server-components.yaml
|   |   |-- metrics-server-values.yaml
|   |   `-- prometheus.yaml
|   `-- vpa
|       |-- helm
|       |   `-- vote-app-chart-vpa
|       |       |-- Chart.yaml
|       |       |-- charts
|       |       |-- templates
|       |       |   |-- _helpers.tpl
|       |       |   |-- deployments
|       |       |   |   `-- deploy.yaml
|       |       |   |-- ingress
|       |       |   |   `-- ingress.yaml
|       |       |   |-- roleBindings
|       |       |   |   `-- all_access_role_binding.yaml
|       |       |   |-- roles
|       |       |   |   `-- all_access_roles.yaml
|       |       |   |-- secrets
|       |       |   |   `-- secret.yaml
|       |       |   |-- service-accounts
|       |       |   |   `-- allAccess.yaml
|       |       |   |-- svcs
|       |       |   |   `-- svc.yaml
|       |       |   |-- volumes
|       |       |   |   |-- pv
|       |       |   |   |   `-- pvs.yaml
|       |       |   |   `-- pvc
|       |       |   |       `-- pvcs.yaml
|       |       |   `-- vpa
|       |       |       `-- vpa.yaml
|       |       |-- values
|       |       |   |-- dev-values.yaml
|       |       |   |-- prod-values.yaml
|       |       |   |-- staging-values.yaml
|       |       |   `-- values.yaml
|       |       `-- values.yaml
|       |-- vpa-crd.yaml
|       `-- vpa.yaml
|-- s3_helm_repo
|   |-- env
|   |-- main.tf
|   |-- modules
|   |   |-- repo
|   |   |   |-- outputs.tf
|   |   |   |-- s3.tf
|   |   |   `-- variables.tf
|   |   `-- repo_files
|   |       |-- files.tf
|   |       `-- variables.tf
|   |-- output.tf
|   |-- providers.tf
|   |-- uploads
|   |   |-- cipher-tool-v020-1.0.0.tgz
|   |   |-- index.yaml
|   |   |-- vote-app-chart-1-1.0.0.tgz
|   |   `-- vote-app-chart-2-1.0.0.tgz
|   `-- variables.tf
|-- ssl-script.sh
`-- terraform.tfstate

105 directories, 162 files