sslnotifyme - a simple serverless web service to receive SSL expiry alerts

APACHE-2.0 License



This project has been discontinued (i.e. frontend and webservice backend are not online anymore), feel free to fork and/or register the same domains ( / if you're interested in maintaining it. Have fun!

Here you find the code behind, a web service solution developed using serverless technologies. The service itself lives on top of (also serverless), which is developed with OpenWhisk and hosted by IBM Bluemix platform.

Beside a couple of services not fully manageble via APIs without human interaction, e.g. ACM and SES verifications, every other component of the application is deployed (and updated) using Terraform. NOTE: Terraform has to be applied in a two steps fashion because CloudFront initialization requires long time, hence breaking the Terraform model.

Those services/technologies has been used:

  • Chalice framework - to expose a simple REST API via AWS API Gateway
  • Amazon Web Services:
    • Lambda (Python 2.7.10) - for almost everything else
    • DynamoDB (data persistency)
    • S3 (data backup)
    • SES (email notifications)
    • Route53 (DNS records)
    • CloudFront (delivery of frontend static files via https, redirect of http to https)
    • ACM (SSL certificate for both frontend and APIs)
    • CloudWatch Logs (logging and reporting)
  • Bootstrap + jQuery (JS frontend)
  • Moto and Py.test (unit tests, work in progress)

DEPLOY: Setup AWS SES (Simple Email Service)

We use SES to verify the user email and to notify the user when the SSL certificate is going to expire. These are the steps needed to enable SES:

# To add a verified email for testing SES while developing:
$ aws ses verify-email-identity --email-address testing@email

# Following tokens needed by Terraform to setup the SES service
$ aws ses verify-domain-identity --domain
    "VerificationToken": "ll+/A5/sVF..............7Y0Qmyd3E="
$ aws ses verify-domain-dkim --domain
    "DkimTokens": [

NOTE: you'll have to write a ticket to AWS to be removed from the SES sandbox which allows you to send emails only to verified email addressed.

DEPLOY: Setup main infrastructure with Terraform

In this step, we'll setup all the needed AWS infrastructure components, including the ones managed via Chalice (API Gateway and the sslnotify_api lambda).

Copy terraform.tfvars.template into terraform.tfvars file and add missing vars (leave untouched only the ones referring to CloudFront for now):

$ cp infra/terraform.tfvars.template infra/terraform.tfvars
$ vim infra/terraform.tfvars # EDIT: aws_account_id, aws_region, dkim*_token, domain_name, ses_bounce_email and verification_token
$ make apply
cd infra && terraform apply

At this point the infrastructure to deploy our lambda-api should be ready, we must configure it before deploying:

# we need to configure chalice to use the right AWS account id
$ sed 's/XXXXXXXX/<your 12 digits long AWS account ID>/g' lambda/.chalice/config.json.template > lambda/.chalice/config.json

# let's deploy it
$ make api
cd lambda && chalice deploy
Updating IAM policy.
Updating lambda function...
Regen deployment package...
Sending changes to lambda.
Lambda deploy done.
API Gateway rest API already found.
Deleting root resource id
Done deleting existing resources.
Deploying to: dev

Take note of the rest-api-id, the first part of the url (you can always find it out later with aws apigateway get-rest-apis), because you'll have to add it to terraform.tfvars later on.

Setup SSL certificate via AWS AMC for custom domain

  • Create + validate the SSL certificate

      $ aws acm request-certificate --domain-name --subject-alternative-names
          "CertificateArn": "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:10000010000001:certificate/510713e7-0048-4f5a-be3f-edf8b20cd1de"

    then check on the validation links sent via email by Amazon and take note of the identifier (510713e7-0048-4f5a-be3f-edf8b20cd1de)

  • Enable cloudfront distrubution: This will take up to 40 minutes to be active

  • Copy Distribution ID, needed by Terraform (e.g. dawxiin7o72ic)

  • Setup path mapping:

      $ aws apigateway create-base-path-mapping --domain-name --rest-api-id 3k3kkazz --stage dev
  • Set aws_cloudfront_enabled to true and aws_cloudfront_id in terraform.tfvars, then apply the changes:

      $ vim infra/terraform.tfvars

DEPLOY All The Things!

$ make

APIs interaction

To add an user to the pending table (idempotent):

$ curl -X PUT
# this will send an email with a validation link to testing@email

To validate the user and add it to the users table, send a PUT with the uuid received via email, e.g.:

$ curl -X PUT

To delete the validated user:

$ curl -X DELETE


  • API backend (lambda/ developed using Chalice framework to expose public REST commands
  • Interface to persistency (based on AWS DynamoDB), including backups, in lambda lambda/
  • Email delivery based on Amazon SES in lambda lambda/
  • Check against APIs in lambda lambda/
  • Daily cronjob lambda in lambda/
  • Daily report of CloudWatch Logs in lambda/