
Format terraform blocks embedded in files

GPL-3.0 License



A tool for extracting or formatting Terraform configuration embedded in provider code


Local Install

Use Go to install directly into your $GOBIN directory (e.g. $GOPATH/bin):

go get github.com/katbyte/terrafmt


Information about usage and options can be found by using the help command:

terrafmt help

This tool can extract terraform blocks, run terraform fmt on the blocks and display the difference or update them in place.

The tool currently supports blocks with the following start and end lines:

start end
```hcl ```
```tf `,
```terraform `,
return fmt.Sprintf(` `,
return fmt.Sprintf(` `)
return ` `

Extract Terraform Blocks

Use the blocks command to extract blocks from a file:

To output only the block content, separated by the null character, use the flags --zero-terminated or z.

To output the blocks using a JSON structure, use the flags --json or -j. The format is

    "block_count": 1,
    "blocks": [
            "block_number": 1,
            "start_line": 4,
            "end_line": 9,
            "text": "..."

Go format verbs can be escaped in the output blocks by using the flags --fmtcompat or -f.

To output the blocks using a JSON structure, use the flags --json or -j. The format is

    "block_count": 1,
    "blocks": [
            "block_number": 1,
            "start_line": 4,
            "end_line": 9,
            "text": "..."

Show What Format Would Do

Use the diff command to see what would be formatted (files can also be piped in on stdin) :

For code files with printf verb formatting use the -f switch :

Format File

Use the fmt command to format the blocks:

Format Multiple

One can use find and egrep to format multiple files:

find . | egrep "html.markdown" | sort | while read f; do terrafmt fmt -f $f; done
./website/docs/d/api_management.html.markdown: 136 lines & formatted 0/1 blocks!
./website/docs/d/api_management_api.html.markdown: 79 lines & formatted 0/1 blocks!
./website/docs/d/api_management_group.html.markdown: 46 lines & formatted 0/1 blocks!
./website/docs/d/api_management_product.html.markdown: 52 lines & formatted 0/1 blocks!
./website/docs/d/api_management_user.html.markdown: 48 lines & formatted 0/1 blocks!
./website/docs/d/app_service.html.markdown: 139 lines & formatted 0/1 blocks!
./website/docs/d/app_service_certificate.html.markdown: 54 lines & formatted 0/1 blocks!
./website/docs/d/app_service_certificate_order.html.markdown: 79 lines & formatted 0/1 blocks!

Upgrade Terraform in a File to 0.12

Use the upgrade012 command to upgrade the blocks to 0.12:

Exit codes

To help usage of terrafmt in workflows, some commands will return actionable exit codes.

If a Terraform parsing error is encountered in a block, the exit code is 2.

If the command diff with the --check flag enabled encounters a formatting difference, it will return 4. If a file contains both blocks with parsing errors and a formatting difference, it will combine the exit codes to return 6. These codes can be tested using bitwise checks.

Otherwise, terrafmt will return 1 on an error.

Development and Testing

This project uses Go Modules for dependency management.

Updating Dependencies

$ go get URL
$ go mod tidy
$ go mod vendor

Unit Testing

$ go test ./...

Local Install

$ go install .