
This manages a libvirt_domain Sushy Redfish Virtual BMC through the vbmc_vbmc terraform resource



This manages a libvirt_domain Sushy Redfish Virtual BMC through the vbmc_vbmc resource.

For an IPMI based provider see the rgl/terraform-provider-vbmc source repository.

Usage (Ubuntu 22.04 host)

Install docker, vagrant, vagrant-libvirt, and the Ubuntu Base Box.

Install Terraform:

wget https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/1.9.5/terraform_1.9.5_linux_amd64.zip
unzip terraform_1.9.5_linux_amd64.zip
sudo install terraform /usr/local/bin
rm terraform terraform_*_linux_amd64.zip

NB This provider will start the ruilopes/sushy-vbmc-emulator image to host the Sushy Redfish Virtual BMC.

Build the development version of this provider and install it:

NB This is only needed when you want to develop this plugin. If you just want to use it, let terraform init install it from the terraform registry.


Create the infrastructure:

terraform init
terraform plan -out=tfplan
terraform apply tfplan

NB if you have errors alike Could not open '/var/lib/libvirt/images/terraform_vbmc_example_root.img': Permission denied' you need to reconfigure libvirt by setting security_driver = "none" in /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf and restart libvirt with sudo systemctl restart libvirtd.

Show information about the libvirt/qemu guest:

virsh dumpxml terraform_vbmc_example
virsh qemu-agent-command terraform_vbmc_example '{"execute":"guest-info"}' --pretty

Show information about the vbmc:

docker ps # there should be a container named like sushy-vbmc-emulator-fe548971-8df0-4c61-a1e0-e29f884cccf7

Access the Redfish endpoint with HTTPie:

sudo apt-get install httpie
redfish_base_url="$(terraform output --raw vbmc_address):$(terraform output --raw vbmc_port)"
redfish_system_url="$redfish_base_url$(http "$redfish_base_url/redfish/v1/Systems" | jq -r '.Members[]."@odata.id"')"
http "$redfish_system_url"

Access the Redfish endpoint with redfishtool:

sudo apt-get install python3-pip
# see https://github.com/DMTF/Redfishtool
# renovate: datasource=github-releases depName=DMTF/Redfishtool
python3 -m pip install "redfishtool==$redfishtool_version"
redfish_rhost="$(terraform output --raw vbmc_address):$(terraform output --raw vbmc_port)"
redfishtool --rhost $redfish_rhost --Secure Never Systems examples
redfishtool --rhost $redfish_rhost --Secure Never Systems list #-vvvvv -sssss
redfishtool --rhost $redfish_rhost --Secure Never Systems get #-vvvvv -sssss
redfishtool --rhost $redfish_rhost --Secure Never Systems reset GracefulShutdown
redfishtool --rhost $redfish_rhost --Secure Never Systems reset On

The Redfish endpoint can also be used from a Go application with gofish, e.g.:

package main

import (


func main() {

	c, err := gofish.ConnectDefault("http://localhost:8000")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("ERROR: Failed to connect to the redfish endpoint: %v", err)

	systems, err := c.Service.Systems()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("ERROR: Failed to enumerate systems: %v", err)

	for _, system := range systems {
		log.Printf("System ODataID: %s", system.ODataID)
		log.Printf("System UUID: %s", system.UUID)
		log.Printf("System Name: %s", system.Name)
		log.Printf("System PowerState: %s", system.PowerState)
		log.Printf("System SupportedResetTypes: %s", system.SupportedResetTypes)
		log.Printf("System BootSourceOverrideEnabled: %s", system.Boot.BootSourceOverrideEnabled)
		log.Printf("System BootSourceOverrideTarget: %s", system.Boot.BootSourceOverrideTarget)

		// toggle the power state.
		if system.PowerState == redfish.OnPowerState {
			// Do a soft power off (ACPI shutdown).
			// NB: A soft power off will be handled by the `qemu-ga` daemon and
			//     the `/var/log/syslog` file will contains the lines
			//     `qemu-ga: info: guest-shutdown called, mode powerdown.` and
			//     `systemd: Stopped target Default.`.
			log.Printf("Gracefully shutting down the system...")
			for {
				system, err = redfish.GetComputerSystem(c, system.ODataID)
				if err == nil && system.PowerState == redfish.OffPowerState {
				time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
		} else {
			// toggle the boot order.
			bootTarget := system.Boot.BootSourceOverrideTarget
			if bootTarget == redfish.PxeBootSourceOverrideTarget {
				bootTarget = redfish.HddBootSourceOverrideTarget
			} else {
				bootTarget = redfish.PxeBootSourceOverrideTarget
			log.Printf("Setting the boot order to %s...", bootTarget)
				// NB sushy-vbmc-emulator does not support Once.
				// see https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2005368#comment-175052
				BootSourceOverrideEnabled: redfish.OnceBootSourceOverrideEnabled,
				BootSourceOverrideTarget: bootTarget,
			// power it on.
			log.Printf("Powering on the system...")
			for {
				system, err = redfish.GetComputerSystem(c, system.ODataID)
				if err == nil && system.PowerState == redfish.OnPowerState {
				time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)

Destroy the infrastructure:

terraform destroy -target vbmc_vbmc.example         # destroy just the vbmc.
terraform destroy -target libvirt_domain.example    # destroy just the vm.
terraform destroy -auto-approve                     # destroy everything.


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