
A Vagrant provider for terraform.

MIT License



A Vagrant provider for terraform 0.12+.

A note about lippertmarkus/vagrant in the registry: when I originally wrote this provider, the terraform registry didn't exist. My terraform needs waned and I didn't hear about the registry until some time later. lippertmarkus forked my provider and published to the registry as a convenience. Thanks! But, it's just an older version of this exact same codebase. So, I recommend you use bmatcuk/vagrant to get the latest updates instead.


Add bmatcuk/vagrant to required_providers:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    vagrant = {
      source  = "bmatcuk/vagrant"
      version = "~> 4.0.0"


resource "vagrant_vm" "my_vagrant_vm" {
  name = "vagrantbox"
  vagrantfile_dir = "path/to/dir"
  env = {
    KEY = "value",
  get_ports = true

name (optional) if the name changes, it will force the resource to destroy and recreate. Defaults to "vagrantbox".

vagrantfile_dir is the path to a directory where a Vagrantfile lives. The Vagrantfile must exist when terraform runs or else it will throw an error. This option defaults to ., ie, the current directory and you may set this value to absolute or relative paths.

env (optional) is a map of additional environment variables to pass to the Vagrantfile. The environment variables set by the calling process are always passed.

get_ports (optional) if true, information about forwarded ports will be filled in (see ports below). This is false by default because it may take some time to run.

If you have multiple Vagrantfiles, provide an alias in the provider block and use the provider meta-argument in the resource/data-source configurations.


  • machine_names.# - a list of machine names as defined in the Vagrantfile.

  • ssh_config.# - SSH connection info. Since a Vagrantfile may create multiple machines, this is a list with the following variables:

    • ssh_config.*.type - always "ssh" for now
    • ssh_config.*.user - the user for the connection
    • ssh_config.*.host - the address to connect to
    • ssh_config.*.port - the port to connect to
    • ssh_config.*.private_key - private ssh key for the connection
    • ssh_config.*.agent - whether or not to use the agent for authentication
      (always "false" for now).

    If there is only one machine built by the Vagrantfile, the connection info will be set in the resource block so you can include provisioners without any additional configuration. However, if there is more than one machine, the connection info will not be set; you'll need to create some null_resources to do your provisioning.

  • ports.# - information about forwarded ports if get_ports is true. This is a list of lists: for each machine in the Vagrantfile, ports will have a list with the following variables:

    • ports.*.*.guest - the port on the guest VM
    • ports.*.*.host - the host port forwarded to the guest VM

Note that machine_names, ssh_config, and ports are guaranteed to be in the same order (ie, ssh_config[0] is the corresponding config for the machine named machine_names[0]), but the order is undefined (ie, don't count on machine_names[0] being the first machine defined in the Vagrantfile).

Forcing an Update

The easiest way to force an update is to set, or change the value of, some environment variable. This will signal to terraform that the vagrant_vm resource needs to update.

For example, if you want to force updates when your Vagrantfile changes, try something like this:

resource "vagrant_vm" "my_vagrant_vm" {
  vagrantfile_dir = "path/to/dir"
  env = {
    VAGRANTFILE_HASH = md5(file("path/to/dir/Vagrantfile")),

When the file changes, the hash will change, and terraform will ask for an update.

Really Forcing an Update

Changing an environment variable, as suggested above, essentially runs vagrant reload. Sometimes this isn't enough. If the resource's name changes, it will signal to terraform that it needs to completely destroy the resource and recreate it.

Removing Machines

Sadly, due to some limitations in vagrant, it's not possible to automatically remove a portion of machines from a Vagrantfile. In other words, if your Vagrantfile defines 5 machines and you remove 2 of them from the Vagrantfile, they will be left running in your vagrant provider (ie, virtualbox or whatever) with no way of removing them via vagrant (or terraform).

If you intend of removing some machines, you should manually run vagrant destroy MACHINE_NAME on those machines you wish to remove before editing the Vagrantfile. Then update your Vagrantfile and allow terraform to do the rest.

If you forget, you can manually cleanup these old VMs by launching your vagrant provider's UI and deleting the machines. Then run vagrant global-status --prune to cleanup vagrant's cache of these machines.


If terrafrom is failing on the vagrant step, you can get additional output by running terraform with logging output enabled. Try something like:

env TF_LOG=TRACE terraform apply ...

And, of course, you can always run vagrant on your Vagrantfile directly.

Local Development

The example in examples/resources/vagrant_vm is fully functioning, but you'll need to compile this provider and put it in a place terraform can find it:

go build
mkdir -p examples/resources/vagrant_vm/terraform.d/plugins/registry.terraform.io/bmatcuk/vagrant/4.0.0/darwin_amd64
mv terraform-provider-vagrant examples/resources/vagrant_vm/terraform.d/plugins/registry.terraform.io/bmatcuk/vagrant/4.0.0/darwin_amd64/
cd examples/resources/vagrant_vm
terraform init
terraform apply

Adjust darwin_amd64 to match your system.