
Terraform files for deploying a Rancher HA cluster in AWS



Terraform files for deploying a Rancher HA cluster in AWS

Update: since v1.2.0 simplified the HA deployment process, master reflects the latest way to deploy Rancher HA. If you are looking for the previous code, it is tagged under v1.0.0.

These files are meant as a companion to the following blog post:



Clone this repo:

git clone https://github.com/nextrevision/terraform-rancher-ha-example
cd terraform-rancher-ha-example

Edit the terraform.tfvars file:

# AWS key for the instances
key_name = "rancher-example"

# RDS database password
db_pass = "rancherdbpass"

# To enable SSL termination on the ELBs, uncomment the lines below.
#enable_https = true
#cert_body = "certs/cert1.pem"              # Signed Certificate
#cert_private_key = "certs/privkey1.pem"    # Certificate Private Key
#cert_chain = "certs/chain1.pem"            # CA chain

To create the cluster:

terraform apply

To destroy:

terraform destroy


AWS Infrastructure

  • region: AWS region (default: us-east-1)
  • count: number of HA servers to deploy (default: 3)
  • name_prefix: prefix for all AWS resource names (default: rancher-ha)
  • ami: instance AMI ID (default: ami-dfdff3c8; RancherOS in us-east-1)
  • key_name: SSH key name in your AWS account for AWS instances (required)
  • instance_type: AWS instance type (default: t2.large for RAM requirement)
  • root_volume_size: size in GB of the instance root volume (default: 16)
  • vpc_cidr: subnet in CIDR format to assign to the VPC (default:
  • subnet_cidrs: list of subnet ranges (3 required) (default: ["", "", "")
  • availability_zones: AZs for placing instances and subnets (may change based on your account's availability) (default: ["us-east-1a", "us-east-1b", "us-east-1d"])
  • internal_elb: Make ELB internal to VPC vs externally accessible (default: false)

Note: if you use an AMI other than RancherOS, the automatic launching of the Rancher server container will not work. You will need to update the user-data template according to the needs of your AMI.


  • db_name: name of the RDS DB (default: rancher)
  • db_user: username used to connect to the RDS database (default: rancher)
  • db_pass: password used to connect to the RDS database (required)


  • enable_https: enable HTTPS termination on the loadbalancer (default: false)
  • cert_body: required if enable_https is set to true
  • cert_private_key: required if enable_https is set to true
  • cert_chain: required if enable_https is set to true


  • rancher_version: Rancher version to deploy (default: stable)
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