
A terraform module to provision remote backend using S3



A terraform module to provision remote backend on s3. It will create S3 bucket for storing terraform state, dynamoDB table for maintaining lock on terraform state and a restricted user that will only have access to the S3 bucket and dynamoDB table.


  1. An AWS user with following Policies attached IAMFullAccess, AmazonS3FullAccess and AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess,
    required to create a user, S3 bucket and a dynamoDB table.


Name Description Type Default Required
aws_user_name Name of user to be created string - yes
bucket_name Name of the S3 bucket for state storage string - yes
bucket_versioning Enable bucket versioning boolean true yes
dynamodb_table_name Name of dynamoDB table for state lock string - yes
path_to_tfstate Path to terraform.tfstate file string terraform.tfstate yes
aws_region Region for AWS string eu-west-1 yes

NOTE: bucket_name and dynamodb_table_name must be unique.


module "terraform_remote_backend" {
  source = "github.com/ahmedwaleedmalik/terraform-remote-backend-s3?ref=v1.0.0"

  aws_region = "eu-west-1"
  aws_user_name = "terraform-state-user"
  bucket_name = "terraform-state-store"
  bucket_versioning = true
  dynamodb_table_name = "terraform-state-lock"
  path_to_tfstate = "terraform.tfstate"
  1. Run terraform init, followed by terraform plan to review the changes required to meet desired state and
    terraform apply to apply those changes.
  2. It will output a file remote-backend.tf this can be used to remotely manage terraform state
  3. Run terraform init(mandatory) for terraform to detect and install relevant plugins and start using remote backend for state

Useful Resources