
OpenTofu version manager

MIT License



OpenTofu version manager inspired by tfenv

Important notice

Many people have asked about Terraform support, and we are finally ready to announce a successor for tfenv and tofuenv: tenv written in Golang. tenv is able to handle Terraform binaries as well as OpenTofu binaries.

Please contribute to tenv and award us stars.


Currently tofuenv supports the following operating systems:

  • macOS
    • 64bit
    • Arm (Apple Silicon)
  • Linux
    • 64bit
    • Arm
  • Windows (64bit) - only tested in git-bash - currently presumed failing due to symlink issues in git-bash



Install via Homebrew

brew tap tofuutils/tap
brew install tofuenv

Install via Arch User Repository (AUR)

git clone
cd tofuenv
makepkg -si

Install via Arch User Repository (AUR) via yay

yay --sync tofuenv

Manual (Linux and MacOS)

  1. Check out tofuenv into any path (here is ${HOME}/.tofuenv)
git clone --depth=1 ~/.tofuenv
  1. Add ~/.tofuenv/bin to your $PATH any way you like


echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.tofuenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile


$ echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.tofuenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zprofile

For WSL users:

echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.tofuenv/bin' >> ~/.bashrc

OR you can make symlinks for tofuenv/bin/* scripts into a path that is already added to your $PATH (e.g. /usr/local/bin) OSX/Linux Only!

ln -s ~/.tofuenv/bin/* /usr/local/bin

On Ubuntu/Debian touching /usr/local/bin might require sudo access, but you can create ${HOME}/bin or ${HOME}/.local/bin and on next login it will get added to the session $PATH or by running . ${HOME}/.profile it will get added to the current shell session's $PATH.

mkdir -p ~/.local/bin/
. ~/.profile
ln -s ~/.tofuenv/bin/* ~/.local/bin
which tofuenv

Manual (Windows)

  1. Install Git-Bash
winget install --id Git.Git -e --source winget
  1. Launch git-bash environment, execute (keep the quotes):
"C:\Program Files\Git\bin\sh.exe"
  1. Check out tofuenv into any path (here is ${HOME}/.tofuenv)
git clone --depth=1 ~/.tofuenv
  1. Add ~/.tofuenv/bin to your $PATH
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.tofuenv/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
  1. Relaunch git-bash environment for the changes to be applied (you can do it via exit command).

  2. Verify installation by executing:

which tofuenv

Install dependencies

Install jq (required) and GnuPG (optional, in case you want to enable GPG verification during OpenTofu installation)


brew install jq gnupg grep


sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y jq gnupg

Windows (git-bash)

Install jq package into git-bash default installation folder:

curl -L -o /usr/bin/jq.exe


tofuenv install [version]

Install a specific version of OpenTofu.

If no parameter is passed, the version to use is resolved automatically via TOFUENV_TOFU_VERSION environment variable or .opentofu-version files, in that order of precedence, i.e. TOFUENV_TOFU_VERSION, then .opentofu-version. The default is latest if none are found.

If a parameter is passed, available options:

  • x.y.z Semver 2.0.0 string specifying the exact version to install
  • latest:<regex> is a syntax to install latest version matching regex (used by grep -e)
  • latest-allowed is a syntax to scan your OpenTofu files to detect which version is maximally allowed.
  • min-required is a syntax to scan your OpenTofu files to detect which version is minimally required.

Options will be available after first stable release:

  • latest is a syntax to install latest stable version

See required_version docs. Also see min-required & latest-allowed section below.

$ tofuenv install 1.6.0-rc1 
$ tofuenv install latest:^1.6
$ tofuenv install latest-allowed
$ tofuenv install min-required

If shasum is present in the path, tofuenv will verify the download against OpenTofu published sha256 hash.

You can opt-in to using GnuPG tools for GPG signature verification:

echo 'trust-tofuenv: yes' > ${TOFUENV_INSTALL_DIR}/use-gpgv
tofuenv install

Where TOFUENV_INSTALL_DIR is for example, ~/tofuenv or /opt/homebrew/Cellar/tofuenv/<version>

The trust-tofuenv directive means that verification uses a copy of the OpenTofu GPG key found in the tofuenv repository. Skipping that directive means that the OpenTofu key must be in the existing default trusted keys. Use the file ${TOFUENV_INSTALL_DIR}/use-gnupg to instead invoke the full gpg tool and see web-of-trust status; beware that a lack of trust path will not cause a validation failure. Default gpg/gpgv command can be overridden by adding binary directive to use-gpgv/use-gnupg file, ex.:

echo 'binary: gpgv --keyring ./path/to/gpg/opentofu.gpg' > ${TOFUENV_INSTALL_DIR}/use-gpgv
tofuenv install

For now keybase tool GPG signature verification is not supported by OpenTofu. This verification mechanism will be added after support is added by OpenTofu.


If you use a .opentofu-version file, tofuenv install (no argument) will install the version written in it.

min-required & latest-allowed

Please note that we don't do semantic version range parsing but use first ever found version as the candidate for minimally required one. It is up to the user to keep the definition reasonable. I.e.

// this will detect 0.12.3
terraform {
  required_version  = "<0.12.3, >= 0.10.0"
// this will detect 0.10.8 (the latest 0.10.x release)
terraform {
  required_version  = "~> 0.10.0, <0.12.3"

Environment Variables



String (Default: "")

Specify GitHub token. Because of OpenTofu binares placed in the GitHub you may encounter with rate limit problem. Using a personal access token dramatically increases rate limit. GitHub Rate limits for the REST API


String (Default: amd64)

Specify architecture. Architecture other than the default amd64 can be specified with the TOFUENV_ARCH environment variable

Note: Default changes to arm64 for versions that have arm64 builds available when $(uname -m) matches aarch64* | arm64*

TOFUENV_ARCH=arm64 tofuenv install 0.7.9

String (Default: true)

Should tofuenv automatically install tofu if the version specified by defaults or a .opentofu-version file is not currently installed.

Example: if auto installation is enabled, the version will be installed.

TOFUENV_AUTO_INSTALL=true tofu use <version that is not yet installed>

Example: use 1.6.0-beta3 version that is not installed, and auto installation is disabled.

$ TOFUENV_AUTO_INSTALL=false tofuenv use 1.6.0-beta3
No installed versions of opentofu matched '^1.6.0-beta3$'. TOFUENV_AUTO_INSTALL is set to false, so exiting.

Integer (Default: 2)

Set the mechanism used for displaying download progress when downloading tofu versions from the remote server.

  • 2: v1 Behaviour: Pass -# to curl
  • 1: Use curl default
  • 0: Pass -s to curl

Integer (Default: 0)

Set the debug level for tofuenv.

  • 0: No debug output
  • 1: Simple debug output
  • 2: Extended debug output, with source file names and interactive debug shells on error
  • 3: Debug level 2 + Bash execution tracing

String (Default:

To install from a remote other than the default


Integer (Default: 0)

When using a custom remote, such as Artifactory, instead of the OpenTofu servers, the list of tofu versions returned by the curl of the remote directory may be inverted. In this case the latest functionality will not work as expected because it expects the versions to be listed in order of release date from newest to oldest. If your remote is instead providing a list that is oldes-first, set TOFUENV_REVERSE_REMOTE=1 and functionality will be restored.

TOFUENV_REVERSE_REMOTE=1 tofuenv list-remote

Integer (Default: 0)

Skip list remote versions in installation step. Can be useful for a custom remote, such as Artifactory.

Disabled: 0 Enable: any other value

TOFUENV_SKIP_LIST_REMOTE=1 tofuenv install 1.6.0-rc1

Path (Default: $TOFUENV_ROOT)

The path to a directory where the local tofu versions and configuration files exist.


String (Default: "")

If not empty string, this variable overrides OpenTofu version, specified in .opentofu-version files. latest and latest:<regex> syntax are also supported. tofuenv install and tofuenv use command also respects this variable.


TOFUENV_TOFU_VERSION=latest:^0.11. tofu --version

String (Default: "")

If not empty string, this variable specifies the credentials file used to access the remote location (useful if used in conjunction with TOFUENV_REMOTE).



Bashlog Logging Library


Integer (Default: 1)

To disable colouring of console output, set to 0.


String (Default: +%F %T)

The display format for the date as passed to the date binary to generate a datestamp used as a prefix to:

  • FILE type log file lines.
  • Each console output line when BASHLOG_EXTRA=1

Integer (Default: 0)

By default, console output from tofuenv does not print a date stamp or log severity.

To enable this functionality, making normal output equivalent to FILE log output, set to 1.


Integer (Default: 0)

Set to 1 to enable plain text logging to file (FILE type logging).

The default path for log files is defined by /tmp/$(basename $0).log Each executable logs to its own file.


BASHLOG_FILE=1 tofuenv use latest

will log to /tmp/tofuenv-use.log


String (Default: /tmp/$(basename ${0}).log)

To specify a single file as the target for all FILE type logging regardless of the executing script.


String (Default: "")


This variable allows you to pass a string containing a command that will be executed using eval in order to produce a prefix to each console output line, and each FILE type log entry.



will prefix every log line with the calling process' PID.


Integer (Default: 0)

Set to 1 to enable JSON logging to file (JSON type logging).

The default path for log files is defined by /tmp/$(basename $0).log.json Each executable logs to its own file.


BASHLOG_JSON=1 tofuenv use latest

will log in JSON format to /tmp/tofuenv-use.log.json

JSON log content:

{"timestamp":"<date +%s>","level":"<log-level>","message":"<log-content>"}


String (Default: /tmp/$(basename ${0}).log.json)

To specify a single file as the target for all JSON type logging regardless of the executing script.


Integer (Default: 0)

To log to syslog using the logger binary, set this to 1.

The basic functionality is thus:

local tag="${BASHLOG_SYSLOG_TAG:-$(basename "${0}")}";
local facility="${BASHLOG_SYSLOG_FACILITY:-local0}";
local pid="${$}";
logger --id="${pid}" -t "${tag}" -p "${facility}.${severity}" "${syslog_line}"

String (Default: local0)

The syslog facility to specify when using SYSLOG type logging.


String (Default: $(basename $0))

The syslog tag to specify when using SYSLOG type logging.

Defaults to the PID of the calling process.

tofuenv use [version]

Switch a version to use

If no parameter is passed, the version to use is resolved automatically via .opentofu-version files or TOFUENV_TOFU_VERSION environment variable (TOFUENV_TOFU_VERSION takes precedence), defaulting to 'latest' if none are found.

latest is a syntax to use the latest installed stable version NOTE: latest syntax will be available after first stable OpenTofu release latest:<regex> is a syntax to use latest installed version matching regex (used by grep -e) min-required will switch to the version minimally required by your tofu sources (see above tofuenv install) latest-allowed will switch to the version maximally allowed by your tofu sources (see above tofuenv install).

$ tofuenv use
$ tofuenv use min-required
$ tofuenv use 0.7.0
$ tofuenv use latest
$ tofuenv use latest:^0.8
$ tofuenv use latest-allowed

Note: tofuenv use latest or tofuenv use latest:<regex> will find the latest matching version that is already installed. If no matching versions are installed, and TOFUENV_AUTO_INSTALL is set to true (which is the default) the latest matching version in the remote repository will be installed and used.

tofuenv uninstall <version>

Uninstall a specific version of OpenTofu latest is a syntax to uninstall latest version latest:<regex> is a syntax to uninstall latest version matching regex (used by grep -e)

$ tofuenv uninstall 0.7.0
$ tofuenv uninstall latest
$ tofuenv uninstall latest:^0.8

tofuenv list

List installed versions

$ tofuenv list
* 1.6.0-rc1 (set by /opt/.tofuenv/version)

tofuenv list-remote

List installable versions

$ tofuenv list-remote

tofuenv version-name

Prints the version of OpenTofu, used in the current directory. The version is resolved automatically via TOFUENV_TOFU_VERSION environment variable or .opentofu-version files, in that order of precedence, i.e. TOFUENV_TOFU_VERSION, then .opentofu-version.

$ tofuenv version-name

tofuenv pin

Writes the current active OpenTofu version to ./.opentofu-version file (creates if no file exists).

$ tofuenv pin
Pinned version by writing "1.6.0" to /Users/anastasiiakozlova/coding/opensource/tofuenv/.opentofu-version
$ cat .opentofu-version

.opentofu-version file

If you put a .opentofu-version file on your project root, or in your home directory (automatically using tofuenv pin command or manually), tofuenv detects it and uses the version written in it. If the version is latest or latest:<regex>, the latest matching version currently installed will be selected.

Note, that TOFUENV_TOFU_VERSION environment variable can be used to override version, specified by .opentofu-version file.

$ cat .opentofu-version

$ tofu version
OpenTofu v1.6.0-beta5
on darwin_amd64

$ echo 1.6.0-alpha5 > .opentofu-version

$ tofu version
OpenTofu v1.6.0-alpha5
on darwin_amd64

$ echo latest:^1.6 > .opentofu-version

$ tofu version
OpenTofu v1.6.0-rc1
on darwin_amd64

$ TOFUENV_TOFU_VERSION=1.6.0-alpha1 tofu --version
tofu v1.6.0-alpha1
on darwin_amd64


git --git-dir=~/.tofuenv/.git pull


rm -rf /some/path/to/tofuenv