
🔁Web platform for building virtual reality experiences.

MIT License


Transfer Thought

Transfer Thought is a web-based platform for easily creating and deploying virtual reality experiences.

Learn more by visiting our website: Or create a free account and try it out:

Contribution guidelines

Details on contribution guidelines coming soon.

Discord Channel:


We are excited to open source Transfer Thought under the MIT License. While we have made every effort to ensure that all components of the project conform to the MIT License, there may be proprietary or non-MIT licensed materials that were inadvertently included over time.

We are committed to identifying and removing any such materials as they are discovered. If you encounter any content within this project that you believe does not comply with the MIT License, please report it to us immediately.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Transfer Thought Setup Instructions

Clone the Repository

Go to your projects folder: cd path/to/projects

Clone the repository: git clone

Local Environment Requirements

Ensure you have Node.js v20 installed.

Setup AWS Account

Create an AWS account if you don't already have one:

Install Amplify CLI

Install Amplify CLI on your local computer: npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli

Configure Amplify with AWS Profile

Configure Amplify: amplify configure

Follow the instructions here:

You should have done this:

  • Created an IAM user account for Amplify Administrator
  • Created an access key
  • Created a local AWS profile

Setting up the Transfer Thought Amplify Project

Initialize the Amplify project: amplify init

  • Select the dev environment or create a new one.
  • Select the new environment.
  • For Google OAuth, choose NA or enter your own credentials.
  • Carry over secrets by selecting Yes.

Deploying Amplify Backend to Your AWS Account

Push the backend resources to AWS: amplify push

For Appsync_URL and Appsync_ID, choose NA.

Install the Frontend Resources

Install the necessary packages: npm install

Run Frontend Locally

Start the frontend locally (connected to the backend on AWS): npm run serve

Create and Deploy Frontend to AWS

Add hosting for the frontend: amplify add hosting

Publish the frontend: amplify publish

Custom URL

Follow the instructions provided by Amplify to set up your custom URL. TODO