
the intro animation for my youtube video.

MIT License


what can you do with a particle?

an animation built with three.js, react three fiber, webgl and gsap for the what can you do with a particle? video.

run locally

you need node.js and pnpm package manager. (npm should work fine too).

  1. install dependencies via pnpm install or npm install.
  2. run the app via pnpm dev or npm run dev.
  3. visit http://localhost:5173

i made this animation for myself only to record the screen with no intention to deploy it on a website. naturally, i did not care about the performace as long as it would run smoothly on my computer. so i'm unsure how it might run or look on your device.

the short animation particle dreams (1988) by karl sims was a big inspiration to me for create this video.
