
Draw charts from Azure Data Explorer queries

MIT License




Draw charts from Azure Data Explorer queries


npm install adx-query-charts


  1. lodash: npm i lodash
  2. css-element-queries: npm i css-element-queries
  3. highcharts: npm i highcharts
    Please note: Highcharts/Highstock libraries are free to use with Log Analytics/adx-query-charts. If you plan to use Highcharts separately, in your own project, you must obtain a license: follow the link − License and Pricing.


import * as Charts from 'adx-query-charts';

const highchartsVisualizer = new Charts.HighchartsVisualizer();
const chartHelper = chartHelper = new Charts.KustoChartHelper('chart-elem-id', highchartsVisualizer);
const chartOptions: Charts.IChartOptions = {
    chartType: Charts.ChartType.UnstackedColumn,
    columnsSelection: {
        xAxis: { name: 'timestamp', type: Charts.DraftColumnType.DateTime },
        yAxes: [{ name: 'requestCount', type: Charts.DraftColumnType.Int }]

// Draw the chart - the chart will be drawn inside an element with 'chart-elem-id' id
chartHelper.draw(queryResultData, chartOptions);



Method: Description: Input: Return value:
draw Draw the chart IQueryResultData - The original query result dataIChartOptions - The information required to draw the chart Promise<IChartInfo>
changeTheme Change the theme of an existing chart ChartTheme - The theme to apply Promise<void>
getSupportedColumnTypes Get the supported column types for the axes and the split-byfor a specific chart type ChartType - The type of the chart ISupportedColumnTypes
getSupportedColumnsInResult Get the supported columns from the query result data for the axes and the split-by for a specific chart type IQueryResultData - The original query result data ChartType - The type of the chart ISupportedColumns
getDefaultSelection Get the default columns selection from the query result data.Select the default columns for the axes and the split-by for drawing a default chart of a specific chart type. IQueryResultData - The original query result data ChartType - The type of the chartISupportedColumns - (Optional) The list of the supported column types for the axes and the split-by ColumnsSelection
downloadChartJPGImage Download the chart as JPG image (error: Error) => void - [Optional] A callback that will be called if the module failed to export the chart image void


Option name: Type: Details: Default value:
chartType ChartType Mandatory. The type of the chart to draw
columnsSelection ColumnsSelection The columns selection for the Axes and the split-by of the chart If not provided, default columns will be selected. See: getDefaultSelection method
maxUniqueXValues number The maximum number of the unique X-axis values.The chart will show the biggest values, and the rest will be aggregated to a separate data point. 100
exceedMaxDataPointLabel string The label of the data point that contains the aggregated value of all the X-axis values that exceed the 'maxUniqueXValues' 'OTHER'
aggregationType AggregationType Multiple rows with the same values for the X-axis and the split-by will be aggregated using a function of this type.For example, assume we get the following query result data:['2016-08-02T10:00:00Z', 'Chrome 51.0', 15], ['2016-08-02T10:00:00Z', 'Internet Explorer 9.0', 4]When drawing a chart with columnsSelection = { xAxis: timestamp, yAxes: count_ }, and aggregationType = AggregationType.Sum we need to aggregate the values of the same timestamp value and return one row with ["2016-08-02T10:00:00Z", 19] AggregationType.Sum
title string The title of the chart
legendOptions ILegendOptions The legend configuration options
yMinimumValue number The minimum value to be displayed on the y-axis.If not provided, the minimum value is automatically calculated.
yMaximumValue number The maximum value to be displayed on the y-axis.If not provided, the maximum value is automatically calculated.
animationDurationMS number The duration of the animation for chart rendering.The animation can be disabled by setting it to 0. 1000
fontFamily string Chart labels font family 'az_ea_font, wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif'
chartTheme ChartTheme The theme of the chart ChartTheme.Light
getUtcOffset Function(dateValue: number): number Callback that is used to get the desired offset from UTC in minutes for date value. Used to handle timezone.The offset will be added to the original UTC date from the query results data.For example:For 'South Africa Standard Time' timezone return -120 and the displayed date will be:'11/25/2019, 02:00 PM' instead of '11/25/2019, 04:00 PM'See time zone [info]( dateFormatter wasn't provided, the callback will be also used for the X axis labels and the tooltip header. Otherwise - it will only be used for positioning the x-axis. Callback inputs:    dateValue - The time value in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC of the date from the query result.     For example: 1574666160000 represents '2019-11-25T07:16:00.000Z'Callback return value:    The desired offset from UTC in hours If not provided, the utcOffset will be 0
dateFormatter Function(dateValue: number, defaultFormat: DateFormat): string Callback that is used to format the date values both in the axis and the tooltipCallback inputs:    dateValue - The original date value in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC    DateFormat - The default format of the labelCallback return value:    The string represents the display value of the dateValue If not provided - the default formatting will apply
numberFormatter Function(numberValue: number): string Callback that is used to format number values both in the axis and the tooltipCallback inputs:    numberValue - The original numberCallback return value:    The string represents the display value of the numberValue If not provided - the default formatting will apply
xAxisTitleFormatter Function(xAxisColumn: IColumn): string Callback that is used to get the xAxis titleCallback inputs:    IColumn - The x-axis columnCallback return value:    The desired x-axis title If not provided - the xAxis title will be the xAxis column name
yAxisTitleFormatter Function(yAxisColumns: IColumn[]): string Callback that is used to get the yAxis titleCallback inputs:    IColumn[] - The y-axis columnsCallback return value:    The desired y-axis title If not provided - the yAxis title will be the first yAxis column name
updateCustomOptions Function(originalOptions: any): void Callback that is called to allow altering the options of the external charting library before rendering the chart.Used to allow flexibility and control of the external charting library.USE WITH CAUTION changing the original options might break the functionality / backward compatibility when using a different IVisualizer or upgrading the charting library.Validating the updated options is the user's responsibility.For official chart options - please make contribution to the base code.Callback inputs:    originalOptions - The custom charting options that are given to the external charting library
onFinishDataTransformation Function(dataTransformationInfo: IDataTransformationInfo) : Promise<boolean> Callback that is called when all the data transformations required to draw the chart are finishedCallback inputs:    IDataTransformationInfo - The information regarding the applied transformations on the original query resultsCallback return value:    The promise that is used to continue/stop drawing the chart    When provided, the drawing of the chart will be suspended until this promise will be resolved    When resolved with true - the chart will continue the drawing    When resolved with false - the chart drawing will be canceled
onFinishDrawing Function(chartInfo: IChartInfo) : void Callback that is called when the chart drawing is finished Callback inputs:    IChartInfo - The information regarding the chart
onFinishChartAnimation Function(chartInfo: IChartInfo) : void Callback that is called when the chart animation is finished Callback inputs:    IChartInfo - The information regarding the chart
onDataPointClicked Function(dataPoint: IDataPoint) : void When this callback is provided, the chart data points will be clickable.The callback will be called when chart's data point will be clicked, providing the clicked data point information.Callback inputs:    IDataPoint - The information regarding the columns and values of the clicked data point.    Note that the value of a date-time column in the dataPoint object will be its numeric value - Date.valueOf().


Option name: Type: Details:
numberOfDataPoints number The amount of the data points that will be drawn for the chart
isPartialData boolean True if the chart presents partial data from the original query resultsThe chart data will be partial when the maximum number of the unique X-axis values exceed the 'maxUniqueXValues' in IChartOptions
isAggregationApplied boolean True if aggregation was applied on the original query results in order to draw the chartSee 'aggregationType' in IChartOptions for more details


Option name: Type: Details:
dataTransformationInfo IDataTransformationInfo The information regarding the applied transformations on the original query results
status DrawChartStatus The status of the draw action
error ChartError [Optional] The error information in case that the draw action failed


Option name: Type: Details:
isEnabled boolean [Optional] Set to false if you want to hide the legend. [Default value: true (show legend)]
position LegendPosition [Optional] The position of the legend (relative to the chart). [Default value: Bottom]


enum ChartType {

Columns selection per chart type

Chart type: X-axis: Y-axis: Split-by:
Line / Scatter UnstackedArea / StackedArea / PercentageArea UnstackedColumn / StackedColumn / PercentageColumn UnstackedBar / StackedBar / PercentageBar [Single selection]DateTime / Int / Long Decimal / Real / String [If split-by column is selected: y-axis restricted to single selection] [If split-by column is not selected: y-axis can be single/multi selection] Int / Long / Decimal / Real [Single selection] String
Pie / Donut [Single selection] String [Single selection] Int / Long / Decimal / Real [Single / Multi selection] String / DateTime / Bool


interface IColumn {
    name: string;
    type: DraftColumnType;

class ColumnsSelection {
    xAxis: IColumn;
    yAxes: IColumn[];
    splitBy?: IColumn[];

See [Columns selection per chart type](#Columns selection per chart type)


enum AggregationType {


enum ChartTheme {


enum ErrorCode {


class ChartError extends Error {
    errorCode: ErrorCode;

See ErrorCode


export enum DateFormat {
    FullDate       // The full date and time. For example: 12/7/2019, 2:30:00.600
    Time           // The full time, without the milliseconds. For example: 2:30:00
    FullTime       // The full time, including the milliseconds. For example: 2:30:00.600
    HourAndMinute  // The hours and minutes. For example: 2:30
    MonthAndDay    // The month and day. For example: July 12th
    MonthAndYear   // The month and day. For example: July 2019
    Year           // The year. For example: 2019


export enum DrawChartStatus {
    Success = 'Success',   // Successfully drawn the chart
    Failed = 'Failed',     // There was an error while trying to draw the chart
    Canceled = 'Canceled'  // The chart drawing was canceled

See 'onFinishDataTransformation' return value in IChartOptions for more information regarding drawing cancellation


type IRowValue = string | number;
type ISeriesRowValue = IRowValue | string[] | number[];
type IRow = IRowValue[];
type ISeriesRow = ISeriesRowValue[];

interface IColumn {
    name: string;
    type: DraftColumnType;


interface IQueryResultData {
    rows: IRow[] | ISeriesRow[];
    columns: IColumn[];

See IColumn


interface ISupportedColumns {
    xAxis: IColumn[];
    yAxis: IColumn[];
    splitBy: IColumn[];

See IColumn



enum DraftColumnType {


interface ISupportedColumnTypes {
    xAxis: DraftColumnType[];
    yAxis: DraftColumnType[];
    splitBy: DraftColumnType[];

See DraftColumnType


export interface IDataPointInfo {
    column: IColumn;
    value: IRowValue;

export interface IDataPoint {
    x: IDataPointInfo;
    y: IDataPointInfo;
    splitBy?: IDataPointInfo;


export enum LegendPosition {


Unit tests are written using Jest.

Run tests: npm run test


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