
Personal project for Ajaib.co.id frontend test.




Personal project for Ajaib.co.id frontend test.

Stack used


A Node.js LTS setup with yarn (v1) is recommended.

# install dependencies

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
yarn dev

# build for production
yarn build

# run lint + type check
yarn validate

# run unit tests
yarn test


Data fetching

We use Next.js API routes to wrap requests heading to the Random User API. Then we use SWR for our data-fetching logic, allowing for data fetches to be wrapped in a custom hook.

Performance boost: We serve the API response in the API route with a stale-while-revalidate header to serve stale content whilst revalidating them in the background for the next request.

State management

We use Zustand for our state management. This provides a simpler, less-boilerplatey way to manage our React application state while still conforming to the Flux principles, and allows for state + dispatcher to be easily called via hooks.

We use Zustand to track the state of our app's filter settings.

Debounced search

The useUsersFilterable hook contains a debounce function (using lodash/debounce) to delay updating of the URL until the user has stopped typing.

Directory structure

  • components/ - UI/layout components that are used globally throughout project.
  • lib/ - Shared utility/helper functions.
  • modules/ - Each feature and their business logic goes into this folder.
  • pages/ - Next.js pages. Please read this page for more info about them.
    • api/ - Next.js API routes. This is where the application's API/backend goes.
  • public/ - Next.js public directory, used for storing static assets.
  • styles/ - Global CSS files.
  • types/ - TypeScript types + interfaces that are used globally throughout the project.