
Content to Learn Angular


Angular Getting Started

This repository contains the code and contents related to Angular Getting Started Course, available on YouTube Channel. Apart from Angular, the course will contain some basics of Git.

The Course contains, below Topics:

Setup Development Environment

  • Installing Nodejs
  • Installing VSCode
  • Why Nodejs/npm
  • Installing Git

Typescript Basics

  • Introduction
  • Transpilation
  • Why Typescript
  • Data Types
    • Number
    • String
    • Boolean
    • Arrays
    • any
    • Tuple
    • enum
    • unknown
  • Functions
  • Classes
  • Interfaces
  • Union and Intersection Types
  • Generics
  • Literal Types
  • ES Modules
  • Typescript Config Files



  • Installing Angular CLI
  • Create New Empty Workspace using CLI
  • Create an Workspace with default App
  • Workspace Walkthrough
  • Introduction to mono-repo

Template Syntax Basics

  • Component Introduction
  • Create your first component
  • Binding Syntax
    • Interpolation
    • Property Binding
    • Event Binding
  • Directives
    • Introduction
      • Structural Directives
      • Attribute Directives
    • Built-in directives
      • *ngIf
      • *ngFor
      • *ngSwitch
      • ngClass
      • ngStyle

Angular Architecture

  • Architecture
  • Angular Modules

Component Lifecycle Hooks and Component Communication

  • ngOnInit
  • ngOnChanges
    • Component Communication using Input/Output
    • ChangeDetection Strategy
  • ngDoCheck
  • ngAfterContentInit
    • Content Projection
  • ngAfterContentChecked
  • ngAfterViewInit
    • Component Communication ViewChild and ViewChildren
  • ngAfterViewChecked
  • ngOnDestroy

Built-in Pipes

  • lowercase
  • uppercase
  • titlecase
  • date
  • currency
  • json
  • percent
  • slice
  • async

View Encapsulation

  • Emulated
  • None
  • ShadowDom

Dependency Injection

  • Introduction
  • Provider Types
    • Class Bases Providers
    • Value Proider
    • factory
  • Creating your First Service
  • providedIn: 'root' | 'any'
  • Component Interaction using Service
  • Dependency Resolution
  • Resolution Modifiers
  • Injection Tokens
  • factories

RxJs in Angular

  • Introduction
  • Introduction to streams
  • Creating Observables using from operator
  • Subject and BehaviorSubject
  • pipe in RxJs
  • map, filter, tap, fromEvent operators
  • Async pipe

Angular HTTP and Observables

  • Introduction
  • Setting up HttpClient
  • Using HttpClient Service
    • get
    • post
    • delete
    • put
    • request
  • shareReplay RxJs operator
  • Handling Error using catchError RxJs operator
  • Centralized ErrorHandling using ErrorHandler
  • Adding header to http request
  • Using HttpInterceptors

Angular Forms

  • Template Driven Forms

    • Setting up Template Driven Forms
    • Validating Forms
    • Submit and reset forms
    • Custom Pipe demo with Forms
    • Writing a custom directive
    • Writing Custom validator
  • Reactive Forms

    • Setting up Reactive Forms
    • Creating Form
    • Adding controls dynamically
    • Built-in validations
    • Submitting and reset
    • patchValue. setValue
    • valueChanges form property
    • Using mergeMap, switchMap, exhaustMap RxJs operators
    • Writing Custom validations

Angular Modules

  • Creating Angular Modules
  • Sharing component/directives/pipes using Modules

Angular Router

  • Introduction
  • Setup Router
  • Default Route
  • Wild card route
  • Configure Dynamic Routes
  • Pass data to Route config
  • Using ActivateRoute Service
  • Using pluck RxJs operators
  • Using Router Service for Naviagtion
  • Splitting Route config to feature
  • Nested Routing with Child routes
  • Lazy loading/code splitting
  • Route Guards
    • canActivate
    • canActivateChild
    • canDeactivate
    • canLoad
    • Resolve

Angular Libraries

  • Creating an Angular Library
  • Building and using it in App
  • Publishing an Library
  • Using an published library

Anguar CLI

  • tslint
  • tslint to eslint migration
  • Running tests
  • Creating builds
  • Configure build for multiple configuration
  • ng update
  • Deploying your Angular App


  • Introduction
  • Making your App PWA
  • Deploying and Testing the PWA