
🍃 CSS-driven scroll-based animations

MIT License



Key Features

  • 🍃 Lightweight: 1 kB minified & gzipped
  • CSS-driven: Utilizes Animate.css under the hood
  • 🔧 Customizable: Use data attributes for animation duration, delay, repeat
  • ♿️ Accessible: Respects reduced motion preference
  • 🔍 SEO-friendly: Detects e.g. Google Bot and skips initialization


Animere.js can be used without a build step. Simply load it from a CDN:

<script src="" defer init></script>

<!-- Anywhere on the page -->
<div data-animere="fadeIn"></div>
  • The defer attribute makes the script execute after HTML content is parsed.
  • The init attribute tells Animere.js to automatically initialize and animate all elements that have a data-animere attribute.

Manual Initialization

If you don't want the auto initialize, remove the init attribute and move the scripts to end of <body>:

<script src=""></script>

Or, use the ES module build by installing the animere npm package:

import { createAnimere } from 'animere'


Production CDN URLs

The short CDN URLs are meant for prototyping. For production usage, use a fully resolved CDN URL to avoid resolving and redirect cost:

CSS Animations

Animate.css is required. You may include the animate.css stylesheet into your project manually or link a cloud-hosted version:



Add the data-animere attribute to an element of your choice which you seek to animate. Set any animation name available from Animate.css (without the animate__ class name prefix).

<div data-animere="fadeIn"></div>

Note: You can customize the data attribute prefix animere. Head over to API to read more.

You can use any of the utility classes/custom properties provided by Animate.css much easier through their corresponding data attributes. All custom animation options beginning with data-animere- (respectively the data attribute prefix you chose) will be passed to Animate.css. Head over to Utilities to read more.

Finally, to initialize the library, instantiate it:

import { createAnimere } from 'animere'


Flash of Unstyled Content (FOUC)

To prevent flash of unstyled content, we want to hide all elements which are about to be animated later. This will be handled by CSS.

But before we do so, first we check if animations are appropriate in the current context. We implement a custom initialization resolver, which resembles the logic Animere.js uses by default. Add the following script to your document's <head>:

(() => {
  if (
    !matchMedia('(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)').matches
    && !/(gle|ing|ro)bot|crawl|spider/i.test(navigator.userAgent)
    document.documentElement.dataset.animatable = ''

Now, hide all elements to be animated before the DOM renders:

:root[data-animatable] :where([data-animere]) {
  visibility: hidden;

As a last step, instantiate Animere accordingly by using a custom initialization resolver:

const animere = createAnimere({
  shouldInitialize: () => 'animatable' in document.documentElement.dataset,


Option Example Attribute Description
Duration data-animere-duration="1500ms" Change the animation's duration to be slow or fast.
Delay data-animere-delay="1s" Delay the animation.
Repeat data-animere-repeat="3" The iteration count of the animation.


createAnimere(options: AnimereOptions)

Available options are:

Option Default Description
prefix animere The prefix for data attributes, e.g. resulting in data-animere for the default value.
offset 0.2 Number between 0 and 1 of how much an element should be in the viewport before revealing it. See IntersectionObserver threshold parameter.
shouldInitialize undefined Custom handler for Animere's initialization evaluation. Replaces the default checks for reduced motion preference and crawler detection. Return true to skip Animere's initialization.


Animere.js supports the prefers-reduced-motion media query so for users with motion sensitivity the library will not enable any animations.


Animere.js does not hide elements from Google. Since the Google Bot doesn't scroll/interact with your website, the library detects whether the user agent is capable to scroll and if not, bails initialization.


Why Yet Another on Scroll Animation Library?

Because I couldn't find one that is as small as possible while being also versatile, SEO-friendly and accessible.


  • Animate.css for the best, easy to use library of CSS animations.


MIT License © 2021-PRESENT Johann Schopplich