

Welcome to Remix!

Architect Setup

When deploying to AWS Lambda with Architect, you'll need:

  • Architect (arc) CLI

Architect recommends installing these globally:

$ npm i -g @architect/architect aws-sdk


You will be running two processes during development when using Architect as your server.

  • Your Architect server sandbox in one
  • The Remix development server in another
# in one tab
$ arc sandbox

# in another
$ npm run dev

Open up http://localhost:3333 and you should be ready to go!

If you'd rather run everything in a single tab, you can look at concurrently or similar tools to run both processes in one tab.


Before you can deploy, you'll need to do some setup with AWS:

If you make it through all of that, you're ready to deploy!

  1. build the app for production:

    $ npm run build
  2. Deploy with arc

    $ arc deploy production

You're in business!