
Arbitrary precision integer library for AssemblyScript.

MIT License



Immutable multiple precision integer library for AssemblyScript.


  • Multiple precision integers (theoretically limited by memory)
  • Fast (extensivly benchmarked)
  • Accurate* (tested against JavaScript BigInt)
  • For use in AssemblyScript projects
  • No dependencies

* Disclaimer

While `as-mpz`` has undergone rigorous testing and benchmarking to ensure its reliability and performance, the developers would like to emphasize that the library is provided "as is," and they assume no responsibility for any issues that may arise from its use.


npm install @hypercubed/as-mpz

Quick Start

import { MpZ } from '@hypercubed/as-mpz';

const a = MpZ.from(18448972);
const b = MpZ.from('7881297289452930');
const c = MpZ.from('0x583F99D51C76AB3DEAB75');

const c = a.add(b).mul(c);

Or using operators:

import { MpZ } from '@hypercubed/as-mpz';

const a = MpZ.from(18448972);
const b = MpZ.from('7881297289452930');
const c = MpZ.from('0x583F99D51C76AB3DEAB75');

const c = (a + b) * c;

Note: Arithmatic methods and operators can be used interchangably, with operators acting as shorthand for the methods. However, unlike instance methods, the operators do not coerce inputs to an MpZ.

as-mpz API

Value is stored as a sign and magnitude.

Note: Arithmatic methods and operators can be used interchangably, with operators acting as shorthand for the methods. However, unlike instance methods, the operators do not coerce inputs to an MpZ.


MpZ.from(value: i32 | u32 | i64 | u64 | string): MpZ

Creates a new MpZ from a number or string. The MpZ.from method accepts a number or string. The string can be in decimal or hexadecimal format (prefixed with 0x). The string can also be prefixed with - to indicate a negative number.

Note: The MpZ class should not be instantiated directly (using new). Instead use the static MpZ.from method to create a new MpZ.

Instance Methods

#isNeg(): boolean

Returns true if this MpZ is negative, otherwise false.

#abs(): MpZ

Returns the absolute value of this MpZ.

#sign(): MpZ

Returns the sign of this MpZ, indicating whether x is positive (1), negative (-1), or zero (0).

#isOdd(): MpZ

Returns true if this MpZ is odd, otherwise false.

#isEven(): boolean

Returns true if this MpZ is even, otherwise false.

#negate(): MpZ

Returns the negation of this MpZ (-this).

#add(rhs: i32 | u32 | i64 | u64 | MpZ): MpZ

Returns the sum of this MpZ and rhs.

#inc(): MpZ

Returns the increment of this MpZ (this + 1).

#sub(rhs: i32 | u32 | i64 | u64 | MpZ): MpZ

Returns the difference of this MpZ and the rhs.

#dec(): MpZ

Returns the decrement of this MpZ (this - 1).

#mul(rhs: i32 | u32 | i64 | u64 | MpZ): MpZ

Returns the product of this MpZ and the rhs (this * rhs).

#mul_pow2(rhs: i32 | u32 | i64 | u64 | MpZ): MpZ

Returns the product of this MpZ multiplied and 2**rhs (this * 2 ** rhs).

#div(rhs: MpZ): MpZ

Returns the quotient of this MpZ divided by the rhs (trunc(this / rhs)) truncated towards zero. Throws RangeError if rhs is zero.

#div_pow2(rhs: i32 | u32 | i64 | u64 | MpZ): MpZ

Returns the quotant of this MpZand 2**rhs (this / 2 ** rhs) truncated towards zero.

#mod(rhs: MpZ): MpZ

Returns the modulus of this MpZ divided by the rhs. Throws RangeError if rhs is zero.

Note: The #mod method is not the same as the % operator. The % operator returns the #rem of the division of the lhs and rhs, while the #mod method returns the modulo of the lhs and rhs.

#rem(rhs: MpZ): MpZ

Returns the remainder of this MpZ divided by the rhs (this % rhs). Throws RangeError if rhs is zero.

Note: The #rem method is the same as the % operator. The % operator returns the #rem of the division of the lhs and rhs, while the #mod method returns the modulo of the lhs and rhs.

#pow(rhs: i32 | u32 | i64 | u64 | MpZ): MpZ

Returns the value of this MpZ raised to the power of rhs (this ** rhs). Throws RangeError if rhs is negative.

# powMod(rhs: i32 | u32 | i64 | u64 | MpZ, m: i32 | u32 | i64 | u64 | MpZ): MpZ

Returns the value of this MpZ raised to the power of rhs mod m (this ** rhs mod m). Throws RangeError if m is <= 0. Throws RangeError if rhs is negative.

#sqrt(): MpZ

Returns the greatest integer less than or equal to the square root of this. Throws RangeError if this is negative.

#iroot(n: u32): MpZ

Returns the greatest integer less than or equal to the nth root of this. Throws RangeError if n is zero or this is negative and n is even.

#log2(): MpZ

Returns the base 2 logarithm of this. Throws RangeError if this is negative or zero.

#log10(): MpZ

Returns the base 10 logarithm of this. Throws RangeError if this is negative or zero.

#fact(): MpZ

Returns the factorial of this MpZ (this!). Throws RangeError if this is negative or too large (greater than MAX_INTEGER).

#gcd(rhs: i32 | u32 | i64 | u64 | MpZ): MpZ

Returns the greatest common divisor of this MpZ and rhs.

#lcm(rhs: i32 | u32 | i64 | u64 | MpZ): MpZ

Returns the least common multiple of this MpZ and rhs.

#shiftLeft(rhs: i32 | u32 | i64 | u64 | MpZ): MpZ

Returns the value of this MpZ left shifted by rhs (this << rhs). Negative rhs values shift right. Throws RangeError if the result exceeds the maximum MpZ size.

Note: The #shiftLeft method return the result of the bitwise shift as if the MpZ was a 2's complement signed integer; matching JavaScript's BigInt << operator.

#shiftRight(rhs: i32 | u32 | i64 | u64 | MpZ): MpZ

Returns the value of this MpZ right shifted by rhs (this >> rhs). Negative rhs values shift left. Throws RangeError if the result exceeds the maximum MpZ size.

Note: The #shiftLeft method return the result of the bitwise shift as if the MpZ was a 2's complement signed integer; matching JavaScript's BigInt >> operator.

#not(): MpZ

Returns the bitwise NOT of this MpZ (~this).

Note: The #not method returns the result as if the MpZ was a 2's complement signed integer (yeilding -(x + 1)); matching JavaScript's BigInt ~ operator.

#and(rhs: MpZ): MpZ

Returns the bitwise AND of this MpZ and rhs.

Note: The #and method returns the result of the bitwise AND as if the MpZ was a 2's complement signed integer; matching JavaScript's & BigInt operator.

#or(rhs: MpZ): MpZ

Returns the bitwise OR of this MpZ and rhs.

Note: The #or method returns the result of the bitwise OR as if the MpZ was a 2's complement signed integer; matching JavaScript's BigInt | operator.

#xor(rhs: MpZ): MpZ

Returns the bitwise XOR of this MpZ and rhs.

Note: The #xor method returns the result of the bitwise XOR as if the MpZ was a 2's complement signed integer; matching JavaScript's BigInt ^ operator.

#toString(radix: i32 = 10): string

Returns the value of this MpZ as a string. The radix can be from 2 and 36 (inclusive). The default radix is 10. Negative numbers are prefixed with a -. Negitive radix values return the result in uppercase. Throws Error if the radix is not between 2 and 36.

Note: The resulting string is not prefixed with the radix (e.g. 0x or 0b) and therefore not compatible as input to MpZ.from (radix of 10 excluded).

#toHex(): string

Returns the value of this MpZ as a hexadecimal string.

Note: The resulting string is prefixed with 0x and is therefore compatible as input to MpZ.from.

#toDecimal(): string

Returns the value of this MpZ as a decimal string.

#valueOf(): number

Returns the value of this MpZ as a number.

#toExponential(n: u32): string

Returns the value of this MpZ as a string in exponential notation. If this MpZ has more digits than requested, the number is rounded to the nearest number represented by n digits.

#toU32Array(): u32[]

Returns the value of this MpZ as an unsigned 32-bit integer array. Ther sign of the MpZ is ignored.

#toU32(): u32

Returns the value of this MpZ as an unsigned 32-bit integer. If this MpZ is too big to fit in an int32, only the low-order 32 bits are returned. If this MpZ is negative, the returned value is the 2's complement representation of the MpZ.

#toI32(): i32

Returns the value of this MpZ as a signed 32-bit integer. If this MpZ is too big to fit in an int32, only the low-order 32 bits are returned.

#toU64(): u64

Returns the value of this MpZ as an unsigned 64-bit integer. If this MpZ is too big to fit in an int64, only the low-order 64 bits are returned.

#toI64(): i64

Returns the value as a signed 64-bit integer. If this MpZ is too big to fit in an int64, only the low-order 64 bits are returned.

#eqz(): boolean

Returns true if this MpZ is equal to zero.

#compareTo(rhs: MpZ | i32 | u32 | i64 | u64 | string): i32

Returns -1 if this MpZ is less than the rhs, 0 if this MpZ is equal to the rhs, or 1 if this MpZ is greater than the rhs.

#eq(rhs: MpZ | i32 | u32 | i64 | u64 | string): boolean

Returns true if this MpZ is equal to the rhs.

#ne(rhs: MpZ | i32 | u32 | i64 | u64 | string): boolean

Returns true if this MpZ is not equal to the rhs.

#gt(rhs: MpZ | i32 | u32 | i64 | u64 | string): boolean

Returns true if this MpZ is greater than the rhs.

#ge(rhs: MpZ | i32 | u32 | i64 | u64 | string): boolean

Returns true if this MpZ is greater than or equal to the rhs.

#lt(rhs: MpZ | i32 | u32 | i64 | u64 | string): boolean

Returns true if this MpZ is less than the rhs.

#le(rhs: MpZ | i32 | u32 | i64 | u64 | string): boolean

Returns true if this MpZ is less than or equal to the rhs.

Static values

The following static values are provided for convenience:

  • MpZ.ZERO - The MpZ value 0.
  • MpZ.ONE - The MpZ value 1.
  • MpZ.TWO - The MpZ value 2.
  • MpZ.TEN - The MpZ value 10.


Unary - operator

Returns the negation of this MpZ (-this).

Binary +, -, *, / operators

Same as the #add, #sub, #mul, #div methods.

Comparison Operators

==, >, >=, <, <=, !=

Same as the #eq, #gt, #ge, #lt, #le, #ne methods.

% operator

Returns the remainder of the lhs and rhs (lhs % rhs). Throws RangeError if rhs is zero.

Note: The % operator is not the same as the #mod method. The % operator returns the #rem of the division of the lhs and rhs; matching JavaScript's BigInt % operator.

** operator

Returns the power of the lhs to the rhs (lhs ** rhs).

<<, >> operators

Returns the result of the left/right shift of the lhs by the rhs. Negitive rhs values will result in a opposite shift. Throws RangeError if the result exceeds the maximum MpZ size.

Shift operators behave as if they were represented in two's-complement notation; like JavaScripts's << and >> operators.

~ operator

Returns the bitwise NOT of this MpZ (~this).

&, |, `^ operators

Returns the bitwise AND, OR, XOR operation on the two operands.

This operator returns the result of the bitwise AND, OR, XOR as if the values were 2's complement signed integers; matching JavaScript's BigInt &, |, ^ operators.

! operator

Returns the logical NOT of this MpZ (!this). This is equivalent to #eqz().

MpZ.asIntN(bits: u32, a: MpZ): MpZ

Returns a BigInt value truncated to the given number of least significant bits and returns that value as a signed integer. If the leading bit of the remaining number is 1, the result is negative.

MpZ.asUintN(bits: u32, a: MpZ): MpZ

Returns a BigInt value truncated to the given number of least significant bits and returns that value as an unsigned integer. Results are always non-negative and two's complement in binary.

MpZ.random(bits: u64): MpZ

Returns a random MpZ value with the specified maximum number of bits. Throws RangeError if bits exceeds the maximum MpZ size.


Licensed under MIT. MIT License

Copyright (c) 2024 Jayson Harshbarger

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.