



A simple guide & easy-to-use template to deploy Next.js with Discord OAuth to Vercel

Setting up

  1. Ensure you have git, yarn, npm & node installed
  2. If you do not already have Vercel CLI, run yarn global add vercel (or, if using npm, you can run npm i -g vercel).
  3. If you are not already logged in, run vercel login and finish that process.
  4. Finally, fork this project and clone it with git clone <github url of fork>

Discord Credentials

  1. First things first, we will need some special keys from Discord. Head to and hit "New Application" in the top right.
  2. Secondly, open the new application and copy the "Client ID" and "Client Secret" – we will need these later so keep them safe. It is important not to share the Client Secret with anybody, too.
  3. Third, during development, you will need to make a file called .env. In here we will securely store our sensitive information in a manner that won't be commited (meaning pushed to Git for all eyes to see).
  4. In this file, you need to add the Client ID and Client Secret. Optionally, you can add the APP URI and JWT Secret but these are not important for development. You will get a warning in the console, though, if you do not change these values. The reason behind that is so that you do not forget to change them in production.
    1. The file should look something like this
    1. If you want to rid of the error messages, you can add JWT_SECRET (which can be anything in development – this does matter in production, however) & APP_URI (which in most occasions should be http://localhost:3000 unless you know what you are doing).
  5. You will now want to head over to the Discord developer dashboard again, select "OAuth2" in the sidebar, and add http://localhost:3000/api/oauth as a redirect URI.

Production Environment

  1. Next up, head to and hit "Import Project"
  2. Select "Import Git Repository"
  3. Enter the URL of your fork, and hit continue
    1. We now need to set up your .env file, but on the production vercel deployment side.
  4. When it loads, click on "Environment Variables" and one by one, add CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, etc...
  5. It's crucial here that you add JWT_SECRET & APP_URI as these are the variables that the Discord OAuth will use to sign your jwt token and handle the Discord redirection
    i. APP_URI will look like (including the protocol)
    ii. JWT_SECRET should be a long string of cryptographically generated characters. The more the merrier. is a great start.
  6. After this, you can hit deploy and watch your app build to production! Congrats.
  7. Finally, open discord developer dashboard and add another redirect URI which is your APP_URI with /api/oauth added to the end.
