

Audio Recorder App

This is a React Native application built with Expo that allows users to record audio, pause/resume recordings, and play back the recorded audio. The app uses Expo's Audio API to handle recording and playback functionalities and is designed with user-friendly UI components.

Project Overview

The Audio Recorder App allows users to:

  • Start, pause, resume, and stop audio recordings
  • Play, pause, resume, and stop playback of recorded audio
  • Visually indicate the recording status
  • Display the recording duration

Tech Stack

Technology Description
React Native Framework for building native apps using React.
Expo A platform for building and deploying universal React applications across Android, iOS, and web. Expo simplifies the development process by providing a managed workflow with a suite of tools and services. It includes pre-configured native APIs, over-the-air updates, and an integrated development environment that allows for fast iterations and debugging.
TypeScript Superset of JavaScript that adds static types.
Jest JavaScript testing framework for unit tests.
ESLint Identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript/TypeScript.
Prettier An opinionated code formatter.


To get started with the Audio Recorder App, follow the steps below:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd audio-recorder-react-native
  3. Install the dependencies using Yarn:

    yarn install

Running the Application

To start the application, run the following command:

yarn start

This command will start the Expo development server. You can then run the app on your Android or iOS device using the Expo Go app, or on an emulator.

Running Tests

To run the unit tests using Jest, run the following command:

yarn test

Running Lints

To lint the codebase using ESLint, run the following command:

yarn lint