
🔥Aurora博客是一个基于Spring Cloud Alibaba的多人微服务博客项目,前台和后台界面非常漂亮,特征:邮箱链接验证、账户锁定等邮件功能。前端技术:TypeScript + Vue3 + Pinia + NaiveUi,后端技术:Spring Cloud Alibaba + RabbitMq + Seata + Oauth2。

MIT License


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aurora-blog - 新年第一版 V1.13.0 Latest Release

Published by xcyeye over 2 years ago

  1. 优化了部分动画效果
  2. 发布说说时,支持Markdown格式

    原本发布说说时,支持html,但是[email protected]之后,只支持Markdown,不再支持在输入框中,直接写html标签

  3. V1.13.0版本主要修改了关于页面和说说页面的ui,关于页面和说说页面(原来的说说页面未移除,通过/mood和/next-mood都可访问)的内容,使用轮播图形式进行展示,下面是效果图
  • 关于页面


  • 说说



aurora-blog - V1.12.7

Published by xcyeye almost 3 years ago


aurora-blog - V1.12.0

Published by xcyeye almost 3 years ago

Bug Fixes

  • fix the album page on the mobile phone (290566e)
  • fix the mobile phone appreciating the QR code style (e1a24bb)
  • modify global pagination style color (ce6eabf)
  • modify sidebar logoTitle (7d47b01)
  • theme: fix edit link failure (8210c23)
  • unify global colors (7221d48)


  • add a certain article not to be displayed (67224e3)
  • add one sentence description (7f3865f)
aurora-blog - V1.12.2

Published by xcyeye almost 3 years ago

Bug Fixes

  • archive-plugin: fix git.updateTime is undefined (9bdbd50)
  • bubble-plugin: fix bubble.bubble is not a function (ca2582d)
  • fix custom component useBlog.vue (9daca87)
  • fix theme style (2f2b5ac)
  • fix expection (90a3d56)
  • solve that require is not defined (09b0d9b)
  • solve that require is not defined (d38723c)
  • solve the error of vite packaging (c65a99b)
  • theme: fix theme default style (8e9aacb)
  • theme: optimization theme comment (a67c6aa)
  • use vite as a packaging tool (74c0288)


  • theme-build: add build print information (acb8bca)
aurora-blog - V1.12.3

Published by xcyeye almost 3 years ago

Bug Fixes

  • coze-plugin: fix can't use require for leancloud (76cfaaa)
  • coze-plugin: fix use vite as the build tool,coze-plugin warning (ca03d8a)
  • fix can't show the md file title for navbarLink (32dadf8)
  • fix navbar (1a1c02a)
  • fix theme-style (3cf36b0)
  • theme: fix the wrong of li style can't show dot (d815e44)


  • add custom tag, category items (9de0f15), closes [#2](
aurora-blog - V1.12.4

Published by xcyeye almost 3 years ago

fix about title not animate (94f5fcd)

aurora-blog - v1.11.1

Published by xcyeye almost 3 years ago

Bug Fixes

  • fix music playback, failed to get the playback status (c46d474)
  • fix that there is a base item, the article page does not display the label (171cede)
  • fix the existence of base configuration item, href error (fae1311)
  • fix the existence of base configuration item, href error for coze-plugin (928587d)
  • fix the existence of base configuration item, local background image 404 (da5cb0b)
  • fix the existence of base item and background image (4ef0abd)
  • fix the existence of base item and invalid background image (67993dd)
  • fix the existence of base item and menu bar error (d02f726)
  • fix the existence of base item and sidebar error (eacb71d)
  • fix the social width error on the mobile phone (6664369)
  • fix the song is loaded successfully but the picture is't replaced for player-plugin (316491e)
  • increase the number of seconds to monitor the playback state (08b06d3)
  • modify online rewards as aifadian (2cc8f5d)
  • repair click the latest article to refresh (880dfa9)
  • repair click the menu item to refresh (5b5ccbb)
aurora-blog - v1.10.1

Published by xcyeye almost 3 years ago

Bug Fixes

  • fix article page can't be center (232648b)
  • fix cover can't normally display when use local img beta.1 (b0917b7)
  • fix directory was not expanded when clicking the first level navigation on the mobile phone (b716463)
  • fix recommend component margin value (aaf91b7)
  • fix the misplacement of poster avatar (e2628c3)
  • update default version info (8a3210c)
aurora-blog - v1.10.0

Published by xcyeye almost 3 years ago

Bug Fixes

  • fix navbar icon display (9ccbf5d)
  • fix sidebar loading twice (f6dc572)
  • fix the article page cannot be automatically scrolled (9302532)
  • fix the failure of the anchor link of the article directory (9bf8eb1)
  • fix the pagination part of the article title is not displayed (65b55f1)
  • fix the wrong of coze-plugin create month (bad23bb)


  • add github warehouse card (dc42fe2)
aurora-blog - v1.9.6

Published by xcyeye almost 3 years ago

Bug Fixes

  • fix the comment button background (010dc5a)
  • fix the description part of the friendship link is hidden (911e3e4)


  • use separate font for navigation bar (850f2a1)
aurora-blog - v1.9.0

Published by xcyeye almost 3 years ago

Bug Fixes

  • fix it without discoloration (14fe456)
  • fix the article content beyond the div (201bd8e)
  • fix the automatic scrolling and style of tag page (c1996c4)
  • fix the center alignment problem of the archive on the mobile phone (1265fd3)
  • fix the height of tag page content (4bffb3f)
  • fix the homepage visual problem (54ab0c4)
  • fix the issue of tag page title (40b3411)
  • fix the mobile phone style of the archive page (32cf602)
  • fix the mobile phone style of the homepage (c3f44eb)
  • fix the problem that bubbles cannot be displayed on the homepage (e5d61fd)
  • fix the problem that talk about likes cannot be updated synchronously (b4698bb)
  • fix the title position of the top image (d95609a)
  • optimized style (601d4e9)
  • repair music, lazy loading of pictures (2d121ec)
  • reset image lazy loading (45a974e)


  • add a custom cover image to the top image (9af8154)
  • disable getting folder name as category name (4ce677b)
aurora-blog - v1.9.2

Published by xcyeye almost 3 years ago

Bug Fixes

  • fix build failure problem (30bfd88)
  • fix donate page style (bb649e6)
  • fix safair article page sticky failure (45b05e7)
  • fix safair smooth scrolling (7f819a1)
  • fix the error of appreciation page style (02eac79)
  • optimize comment display and hide (106e7e7)


  • add comment display and hide (092fa7d)
  • add whether show pageMeta info (7bc6b46)
aurora-blog - v1.9.3

Published by xcyeye almost 3 years ago

Bug Fixes

aurora-blog - v1.9.5

Published by xcyeye almost 3 years ago

Bug Fixes


  • talk about support for line breaks (44f76d4)

Bug Fixes

  • 手机端文章推荐
  • 修复使用smoothscroll,build报错


  • 编写说说,支持换行
aurora-blog - v1.8.1-beta

Published by xcyeye almost 3 years ago

update package.json

aurora-blog - v1.8.0

Published by xcyeye almost 3 years ago

Bug Fixes

  • coze-plugin: fix the content of coze plugin cannot wrap (0f1444f)
  • coze-plugin: fix the problem of cookie invalidation in the coze plugin expires is 10 day (17b589c)
  • fix homepage style (c0756d9)
  • fix the href error on the mobile phone (5ea0804)
  • fix the incorrect time of the latest article in the sidebar (fc739db)
  • fix the problem that the component cannot be automatically added to the root node (1c5a9e9)
  • fix the sorting problem of coze plugin (672cc45)
  • fix the wrong time of git commit without customization (3acd702)
  • optimize all article data (732ca38)
  • player-plugin: optimize the player plugin (1681fe5)


  • add music player (6d06e16)
  • add number beating (19ce362)
  • add special the wave effects for home-page (ee70253)
  • add the function of excluding a certain path (7cfe606)
  • archive plugin: create vuepress-plugin-archive (46f7097)
  • create vuepress-plugin-bubble (5a0a19e)
  • increase bubble effect for top image (4801b12)
  • make the background image become random (259d658)
  • musicplayer-plugin: support NetEase Cloud Music (c943cec)
  • page: add disabling article recommendation, article previous page next page (676b403)
  • reset all tag (151e877)
  • theme: add archive for theme (34c00e3)

Performance Improvements

aurora-blog - v1.6.3-v1.7.0

Published by xcyeye almost 3 years ago

Bug Fixes

  • coze-plugin: repaire the installation of the plug-in, the build failed (3923faf)
  • home-social: fix the homepage social position on the mobile phone (3ea9622)
  • navbar: fix the navigation bar interval is large (06c04d2)


  • coze-plugin: increase the successful registration and the effect of sprinkling flowers (3adaf43)
  • sidebar-avatar: add sidebar avatar customization (435b317)

Bug Fixes

  • 修复coze插件build错误问题
  • 修复首页手机端社交图标太靠底部问题
  • 修复导航栏下拉框数组间隔太大问题


  • Coze插件:用户注册成功,撒花效果
  • 将侧边栏的头像和首页中间的头像分开,可以进行单独配置
aurora-blog - v1.6.1

Published by xcyeye almost 3 years ago

Bug Fixes

  • coze-plugin: fix input box of the default registered component positon (1d95984)
  • coze-plugin: fix leanCloud improper operation and no data emergencies (cab22cf)
  • coze-plugin: fix the bug of clicking twice in a row (b780c29)
  • coze-plugin: update coze-plugin (24539b1)
  • fix homesidebar con't read url (837679c)
  • fix that the article URL is invalid when opening the picture in a new tab (5ee2d4a)
  • fix the problem of fixed failure when writing talk (2aced5a)
  • update coze-plugin (79f9058)

Build System

  • restructure the structure of the theme directory structure (dc83108)


  • coze-login: custom login to increase login (e67999e)
  • coze-plugin: add other user support (0cae5b3)
  • plugin: add vuepress-plugin-coze (d8db9c2)


  • Change the structure of the theme, the theme folder is not placed under the
    .vuepress folder

Bug Fixes

  • 修复coze插件默认注册界面,输入框不对齐情况
  • 修复leanCloud中有Talk类,但是没有数据情况下,不能编写说说问题
  • 修复快速点赞,数据加减错误问题
  • 修复侧边栏目录,不能获取到标题url问题
  • 修复文章链接在在新标签中打开,图片失效问题

Build System

  • 把主题文件夹移到docs同级,原来的docs/.vuepress/theme还存在,但是代码不在改变


  • 使用coze插件可以自定义注册,登录,登出等,除了默认提供的插件,额外提供的一个全局组件
  • 其他用户也可以在你博客发布说说,但需要允许,默认关闭
  • 说说功能使用插件实现





aurora-blog - v1.6.2

Published by xcyeye almost 3 years ago

Bug Fixes

  • fix the homepage article list, the title has # symbol (ad2269d)
  • fix the problem of data mismatch on the friendship link page (f3033ca)
  • fix the problem that social networking cannot display the QR code (d4584ef)


  • album function moved to the coze plug-in, using talk pictures (86195ae)

Bug Fixes

  • 修复首页文章列表一级标题,二级标题,三级标题等,出现#符号问题
  • 修复友情链接页面图片和描述不匹配问题
  • 修复关于页面,社交图片中,需要展示二维码等图片,部分被隐藏的问题


  • 主题不再提供/photo路由,改由coze插件提供,该/photo使用说说的图片数据
  • 主题所有的文本配置,比如公告,友情链接的message,都支持html,高度自定义
  • 主题支持自定义导航图标,详细看文档


aurora-blog - v1.5.4

Published by xcyeye almost 3 years ago

Bug Fixes

  • footer: fix footer theme copyright info (0d7a767)
  • page: repair the article page from the outside, the picture is invalid (6df136f)
  • search: fix search style (285f33e)


  • about page: remove the li subscript on the about page (1e57c17)
  • navbar: custom navbar icon (670add7)
  • page: custom h tag icon (c7901f7)