
Utility functions for OAuth2 implicit flow for Auth0 identity provider


Auth0.js Implicit

A utility for Auth0 implicit authentication flows in a route-enabled single-page-app.


yarn add auth0-js-implicit


Live Demo



  1. create an Auth0 WebAuth client instance.

    import auth0 from 'auth0-js';
    const client = new auth0.WebAuth({ 
      domain: '<auth0-domain>', 
      clientID: '<auth0-client-id>', 
      audience: '<auth0-api-identifier>',
      redirectUri: window.location.origin + '/<login-callback-path>'
  2. instantiate the helper, passing in the client and the url Auth0 redirects to upon logout.

    const logoutReturnLocation = window.location.origin + '/logged-out';
    export const authenticator = new Authenticator(client, logoutReturnLocation);


The helper instance contains the following methods to help create authentication flows.


authenticate(currentLocation?: string): Promise<{ userId?, accessToken?, expiresAt?, redirectTo? }>

Call this at the beginning of a page that should run authentication.

Given no arguments, it will try to authenticate the user, but if no valid credentials are found then it will not show the Auth0 login page. Use this to initialize authentication state that allows for anonymous users.

authenticate().then(result => ...)

Given a string of the current location, it will try to authenticate the user, and if no valid credentials are found then it will show an Auth0 login prompt. Use this for an auth wall.

authenticate('/current-route').then(result => ...)


handleLoginSuccess(): Promise<{ accessToken, userId, expiresAt, redirectTo }>

Call this at the login-callback page. It will store the access token and expiration in the browser and resolve to a promise containing the auth data and the route where authentication was initiated (e.g. "/current-route" from authenticate('/current-route')). Use this string to redirect to the location the user logged in from.


promptLogin(currentLocation: string, opts: auth0.AuthorizeOptions = {}): void

This imperatively shows the Auth0 login page. Accepts a string of the current location and options passed to Auth0's authorize method.


This clears the auth data from the browser storage and class the Auth0 logout function to clear the session from the Auth0 server.