


A web based software for managing car repair shops.


  • Next.js (frontend + backend)
  • NextAuth (authentication)
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Prisma (ORM)
  • MySQL (database)
  • Zustand (state management)
  • Pusher (real-time chat)
  • Radix-UI (design system)
  • react-icons (icons)


Not started

  • / - Dashboard
  • /analytics - Analytics
  • /sales - Creating and managing sales
  • /settings - Settings

Not updated

  • /customer - Creating and managing customers
  • /employee - Creating and managing employees

Work in progress

  • /estimate - Creating and managing estimates and invoices
  • /inventory - Creating and managing inventory

Done for now

  • /(auth) - Authentication
  • /communication - Communication page
  • /task - Creating and managing tasks


You can find more details about the database in the prisma/schema.prisma file.

Here is a brief overview of some of the main tables:


  • Purpose: Represents an individual who can be an employee or admin of a company.
  • Key Fields:
    • name: Name of the user.
    • email: Unique email address of the user.
    • password: User's password.
    • role: Role of the user (admin or employee).
    • companyId: ID of the company the user belongs to.
  • Relations:
    • Belongs to a Company.
    • Can have multiple tasks, appointments, and invoices.


  • Purpose: Represents a business entity.
  • Key Fields:
    • name: Name of the company.
    • createdAt: Creation timestamp.
    • updatedAt: Last update timestamp.
  • Relations:
    • Has many users, tasks, customers, services, vehicles, invoices, and more.


  • Purpose: Represents a customer of the company.
  • Key Fields:
    • firstName: First name of the customer.
    • lastName: Last name of the customer.
    • email: Email address of the customer.
    • phone: Phone number of the customer.
    • address, city, state, zip: Address details.
    • companyId: ID of the company the customer is associated with.
  • Relations:
    • Belongs to a Company.
    • Can have multiple appointments.


  • Purpose: Represents a vehicle associated with the company.
  • Key Fields:
    • year: Year of the vehicle.
    • make: Make of the vehicle.
    • model: Model of the vehicle.
    • transmission, engineSize, license, vin: Vehicle specifications.
    • companyId: ID of the company the vehicle belongs to.
  • Relations:
    • Belongs to a Company.
    • Can have multiple appointments.


  • Purpose: Represents a financial document for billing purposes, either as an invoice or an estimate.
  • Key Fields:
    • type: Type of the invoice (Invoice or Estimate).
    • customerId: ID of the customer.
    • vehicleId: ID of the vehicle.
    • subtotal, discount, tax, grandTotal: Financial details.
    • statusId: ID of the status.
    • companyId: ID of the company.
    • userId: ID of the user.
  • Relations:
    • Belongs to a Company.
    • Belongs to a User.
    • Can have multiple invoiceItems, payments, tasks, and photos.


  • Purpose: Represents a service provided by the company, which can be part of an invoice.
  • Key Fields:
    • name: Name of the service.
    • description: Description of the service.
    • categoryId: ID of the category.
    • companyId: ID of the company.
  • Relations:
    • Belongs to a Company.
    • Can belong to a Category.
    • Can have multiple invoiceItems.


  • Purpose: Represents materials used in services or invoices.
  • Key Fields:
    • name: Name of the material.
    • vendorId: ID of the vendor.
    • categoryId: ID of the category.
    • quantity, cost, sell, discount: Financial and inventory details.
    • companyId: ID of the company.
  • Relations:
    • Belongs to a Company.
    • Can belong to a Category and a Vendor.
    • Can have multiple invoiceItems.


  • Purpose: Represents labor associated with an invoice.
  • Key Fields:
    • name: Name of the labor.
    • categoryId: ID of the category.
    • hours, charge, discount: Labor details.
    • companyId: ID of the company.
  • Relations:
    • Belongs to a Company.
    • Can belong to a Category.
    • Can have multiple invoiceItems.


  • Purpose: Represents a payment made for an invoice.
  • Key Fields:
    • date: Date of the payment.
    • notes: Notes regarding the payment.
    • type: Type of the payment (CARD, CHECK, CASH, OTHER).
    • invoiceId: ID of the invoice.
  • Relations:
    • Belongs to an Invoice.


  • Purpose: Represents a task assigned within the company.
  • Key Fields:
    • title: Title of the task.
    • description: Description of the task.
    • date: Date of the task.
    • startTime, endTime: Timing of the task.
    • priority: Priority of the task (Low, Medium, High).
    • companyId: ID of the company.
    • userId: ID of the user.
    • invoiceId: ID of the invoice.
  • Relations:
    • Belongs to a Company.
    • Belongs to a User.
    • Can be linked to an Invoice.


  • Purpose: Represents a scheduled appointment within the company.
  • Key Fields:
    • title: Title of the appointment.
    • date: Date of the appointment.
    • startTime, endTime: Timing of the appointment.
    • notes: Notes regarding the appointment.
    • companyId: ID of the company.
    • userId: ID of the user.
    • customerId: ID of the customer.
    • vehicleId: ID of the vehicle.
    • orderId: ID of the order.
  • Relations:
    • Belongs to a Company.
    • Belongs to a User.
    • Can have multiple appointmentUsers.


  • Purpose: Represents a chat message.
  • Key Fields:
    • to: ID of the recipient.
    • from: ID of the sender.
    • message: The message content.
    • createdAt: Timestamp of message creation.
    • updatedAt: Timestamp of message update.
  • Relations:
    • None explicitly defined, but indexed for recipient and sender.