
Angular: The Awesome Parts - Workshop


Angular: The Awesome Parts Workshop

by Ward Bell and John Papa


All apps are in the src folder. There is a src/server folder containing a node server, as some other apps may or may not use it.


0-awesome is our basic template app. All other apps in the src folder are derived from 0-awesome and then modified as needed.


1-routing-begin is our beginning lab for routing and 1-routing-begin-end is the end state.

We also have a routing guard lab. 1-routing-guards-begin and 1-routing-guards-end.


2-modules-begin and 2-modules-end.


How to communicate changes across the app with RxJS


4-reactive demonstrates a (1) reactive, (2) immutable, (3) CQRS app built with plain services rather than ngrx. See how the basic app changes to conform to these three principles.


5-ngrx-begin refactors the 4-reactive Heroes to use ngrx. Only partly done. 5-ngrx-end is the state of the ngrx app after completing the 5-ngrx-begin lab.


6-ngrx-data-begin refactors 5-ngrx-end to use ngrx-data for Heroes. 6-ngrx-data-end does the same to Villains. It demonstrates additional metadata features, including optimistic add and update, which require a client-side Id Generator for Adds (see VillainService).



  1. Run npm run 7-deploy-build to build it.
  2. Run npm run 7-deploy-serve to serve it.
  3. Kill the process

Locally with Docker

  1. Run docker compose up from the command palette in VS Code.
  2. Choose the debug option

Define Multiple Apps in the Same _src folder

Example: make a lab called n-new-lab-begin where n is an integer.

  1. Create the n-new-lab-begin app folder under src.
  1. Add a new app object to the "apps" array in angular-cli.json:
  • make it a copy of an existing app object
  • set "name" to "n-new-lab-begin"
  • set "appRoot" to "n-new-lab-begin"
  • set "outDir" to "dist/n-new-lab-begin"
  • set "main" to "main.n-new-lab-begin.ts"
  1. Update the lazy loaded routes that start with 0-awesome/ to n-new-lab-begin/ in n-new-lab-begin/app-routing.module.ts.

Hint: easy with search-and-replace AFTER limiting files-to-include to "n-new-lab-begin".

  1. Copy main.0-awesome.ts to main.n-new-lab-begin.ts and update the paths to the app modules:

    import { AppModule } from './n-new-lab-begin/app.module';
    import { AppDevModule } from './n-new-lab-begin/app-dev.module';
  2. Add a node script to the package.json, setting the last two port digits (first digit is for n, second for the new-lab-begin variations).

    "0-new-lab-begin": "ng serve -a n-new-lab-begin -o -p 90n0",

    All labs run in the port 9000 series.

  3. Update the labTitle property of the ToolbarComponent to n-new-lab-xxx, where n is the number of the lab and xxx is either begin or end

    export class ToolbarComponent {
      labTitle = 'n-new-lab-begin';
      labState = 'begin';
  4. Uncomment the appropriate lab state (e.g. begin or end) in toolbar.component.scss

    // @include primary-background-contrast-color; // end
    // @include accent-background-color; // begin

Build and Serve

To see a list of the npm lab scripts

npm run

Build and serve an app named n-new-lab-begin with npm or yarn

yarn n-new-lab-begin
npm run n-new-lab-begin

Or go to the CLI directly

ng serve -a n-new-lab-begin -o

To run its end-state (e) at the same time, open another terminal window, then build and serve on a different port (where the last digits match n and e).

ng serve -a n-new-lab-end -o -p 90{n}{e}
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