
A starter project using AWS CDK + TypeScript

MIT License



💼 A starter kit for provisioning infrastructure on AWS. Built with AWS CDK + TypeScript.

Includes example implementation for the following:

  1. Launch Puppeteer in Lambda
  2. Navigate to web page
  3. Take screenshot
  4. Upload screenshot to S3
  5. Expose screenshots via API

Getting Started

Run the following commands to install dependencies, build the CDK stack, and deploy the CDK Stack to AWS.

yarn install
yarn build
cdk bootstrap
cdk deploy


  • yarn install - installs dependencies
  • yarn build - builds the production-ready CDK Stack
  • yarn test - runs Jest
  • yarn prettify - run prettier against the source files
  • cdk bootstrap - bootstraps AWS Cloudformation for your CDK deploy
  • cdk deploy - deploys the CDK stack to AWS


  • Includes very basic tests with Jest.

Built with

Additional Resources


Opens source under the MIT License.

Built with ❤️ by aeksco