
A WebComponent for Amazon Bedrock


Bedrock Webcomponent


As of today, this webcomponent is not published on npm. You will have to build it yourself and link it to your project. Don't worry, this is easier than it looks :)

  • Download the source code and go in the folder
npm run build
npm link

Go in the project where you want to add the webcomponent

npm link br-chat-wc

You should now be able to use the webcomponent in your project.

How To

To use the webcomponent, import it in your project. Note: Depending of the framework you are using, how you import it may differ

import 'br-chat-wc';

You can then use it in your html file

<br-chat config=""></br-chat>

You can also give an array of messages when initializing the chat

<br-chat config="" messages=""></br-chat>

[!IMPORTANT] The messages is an array of messages following the Amazon Bedrock conversation API


import { ChatConfig } from 'br-chat-wc';


brConfig: ChatConfig  = {
    auth: {
        region: "us-west-2",
        identityPoolId: "",
        anonymous: {
            roleArn: ""
        // cognito: {
        //   userPoolId: ""
        // },
    bedrock: {
        region: "us-west-2",
        modelId: "anthropic.claude-3-sonnet-20240229-v1:0",
        // agent: {
        //   agentId: "",
        //   agentAliasId: ""
        // },
        inferenceConfig: { // (optional)
            maxTokens: 600,
            temperature: 0.5,
            topP: 1
        system: []
    ui: { // (optional)
        webExperience: {
            title: "My local Bedrock",
            subtitle: "Welcome to the future",
            welcomeMessage: "Hey, how can I help you today?",
        icons: {
          assistant: 'assets/assistant.png',
          user: 'assets/user.png'
        placeholder: "Hi, how can I help you?"
    attachFilesToPrompt: true // (optional)


There are 2 ways to access Bedrock with the webcomponent: You may want to give access to Bedrock to non-authenticated users:

  • Set the auth.anonymous.roleArn of your UnauthenticatedRole

If you want to give access to Bedrock to authenticated users

  • Set the auth.cognito.userPoolId


There are 2 ways to connect the plugin to Bedrock:

  • By calling a model
    Simply set the bedrock.modelId parameter in the plugin to specify which model you want to call
  • By calling a Bedrock Agent
    Specify the bedrock.agent parameter with the agentId and agentAliasId

You can also configure the inference of your model by setting bedrock.inferenceConfig . By default the values are:

    maxTokens: 1024,
    temperature: 0.5,
    topP: 0.9,



We give you the option to configure some of the UI

  • Change the chat icons:
    You can change the icons of the user and assistant by setting the ui.icons specifying a path of the image for the assistant and the user
Welcome message

You can customize the welcome screen if you want to greet your users with a specific message by using the ui.webExperience configuration. You can specify a title, subtitle and welcomeMessage. This welcome screen will disapear as soon as the user starts a discussion.


You can also customize a number of css attributes through css variables to make the webcomponent match your onwn branding/theme

Here is a list of css variables you can custom:

--brc-primary: ;
--brc-bg: ;
--brc-text-color: ;
--brc--text-invert-color: ;

--brc-submit-button-color: ;
--brc-submit-button-border: ;
--brc-submit-button-bg: ;
--brc-submit-button-color: ;
--brc-submit-button-bg-hover: ;

--brc-user-chat-text-color: ;

--brc-assistant-chat-bg-color: ;
--brc-assistant-chat-border-color: ;
--brc-assistant-chat-text-color: ;

--brc-prompt-input-bg-color: ;
--brc-prompt-input-text-color: ;
--brc-prompt-input-border-color: ;

Your imagination is the limit ^^


Every time a new message is added to the chat, a brc-messages-updated event is sent. You can easily listen to this event and retrieve the array of all the messages of the chat. This can be useful if for example you want to send the messages to a server to store them in a database

const chatComponent = document.querySelector('br-chat');

chatComponent.addEventListener('brc-messages-updated', (event) => {
    console.log('Messages array updated:', event.detail.messages);
    // Handle the updated messages array here

Use it in your favourite framework


In your React component:

import "br-chat-wc";
import { ChatConfig } from 'br-chat-wc';

Create a new variable for the configuration in your React component ts file

const brConfig: ChatConfig = {
    auth: {
      region: "us-west-2",

Use the webcomponent in your React component template

<br-chat config={JSON.stringify(brConfig)}></br-chat>


In your main.ts file:

import 'br-chat-wc';

Import the configuration type in your Angular component

import { ChatConfig } from 'br-chat-wc';

Create a new variable for the configuration in your Angular component ts file

brConfig: ChatConfig = {
    auth: {
      region: "us-west-2",

Use the component in your Angular component html template

<br-chat [config]="brConfig"></br-chat>

Use it with AWS Amplify and Cognito

If you are using AWS Amplify for your app and Amazon Cognito to authenticate your users, here is how you can integrate the webcomponent in a React App using Amplify and Cognito.

In your React component, import the amplify_outputs.json file

import amplifyConfig from "../amplify_outputs.json";

In the config object you pass to the web component, remplate the auth property by

const brConfig: ChatConfig = {
    auth: {
        region: amplifyConfig.auth.aws_region,
        identityPoolId: amplifyConfig.auth.identity_pool_id,
        cognito: {
            userPoolId: amplifyConfig.auth.user_pool_client_id
    bedrock: {
        region: "us-west-2",
        modelId: "anthropic.claude-3-sonnet-20240229-v1:0",
    ui: {
        webExperience: {
            title: "My local Bedrock",
            subtitle: "Welcome to the future",
            welcomeMessage: "Hey, how can I help you today?",