
A Money Manager app made in MERN Stack


Better Call Saul

This is a Money Manager / Expenses Tracker app created in React.


Repository Information

  • /client contains REACT code.
  • /server contains Node.js code

How to clone

  • Run this command on terminal
  • Goto the root of the repository. cd better-call-saul
  • run yarn install this will install all the dependecies.
  • Make Sure you have dev Dependencies as well.

Add config.env

Goto Server/Conifg folder and created a file config.env and add this code.


How to Run

  • To run react/front-end app only type yarn client (it will run on port 3000).
  • To run server/back-end only type yarn server (it will run on port 5000).
  • To run full stack type yarn dev (it will only work in developement server).
  • To build the app yarn build.
  • To run production app yarn start. (change the NODE_ENV to production)

Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser. The page will reload if you make edits. You will also see any lint errors in the console.