
BookmanDB is a very easy to use and easily editable database module that allows you to create unlimited amount of unique database files!

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BookmanDB: An Easy-To-Use JSON Database

  • BookmanDB is a very easy to use and easily editable JSON database module that allows you to create unlimited amount of unique database files!
  • BookmanDB also saves your data in a json file so you can access and edit simple files at any time.


  • Using yarn: yarn add bookman
  • Using npm: npm i bookman


/* BookmanDB Files */
const { Database, FSAdapter } = require("bookman");
/* Creating New Database */
const fsAdapter = new FSAdapter({
	defaultDir: "database",
	databaseName: "mydb",
const db = new Database(fsAdapter);

/* Setting a value in the database */
db.set("", "Bookman is cool!"); // => "Bookman is cool!"
db.set("just.a.long.array", []); // => []
db.set("just.a.long.number", 1); // => 1

/* Getting a value in the database */
db.get(""); // => { name: "Bookman is cool!" }
db.fetch("just.a.long.number"); // => 1

/* Check if data created */
db.has("just.a.long"); // => true
db.has(""); // => false

/* Add specified data */
db.add("just.a.long.number", 1); // => 2
db.add("just.a.long.number", 5); // => 7

/* Subtract specified data */
db.subtract("just.a.long.number", 1); // => 6
db.subtract("just.a.long.number", 3); // => 3

/* Push specified data */
db.push("just.a.long.array", 2); // => [2]
db.push("just.a.long.array", null); // => [2, null, 3, "str1", {}]
db.push("just.a.long.array", 3); // => [2, null, 3]
db.push("just.a.long.array", "str1"); // => [2, null, 3, "str1"]
db.push("just.a.long.array", {}); // => [2, null, 3, "str1", {}]

/* Pop specified data */
db.pop("just.a.long.array"); // => [2, null, 3, "str1"]

/* Shift specified data */
db.shift("just.a.long.array"); // => [null, 3, "str1"]

/* Unshift specified data */
db.unshift("just.a.long.array", 5); // => [5, null, 3, "str1"]

/* Mapping data */; // =>  { just: { a: { long: [Object] } } }

/* Deleting a value in the database */
db.delete("just.a.long"); // => { just: { a: { long: [Object] } } } has been deleted

/* Destroying database */
db.destroy(); // true


Copyright 2021 Bar DEMRC.

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


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