
An example app using Bun's built-in HTTP server + HTMX + TailwindCSS + DaisyUI


Bun + HTMX + TailwindCSS example app

A simple example app using Bun and it's HTML server along with HTMX for interactivity and Tailwind + DaisyUI for styling.

Source code can be found in ./src. JSX components live in ./src/components.

Components are converted to static strings and served as HTML to the browser. HTMX is used to add interactivity to the page as needed.

TailwindCSS classes can be given to any component and the bun dev:tailwind command will regenerate the CSS file when needed.

There is a very dumb/simple static file server in ./src/response.tsx which takes any file in ./public and serves it using the Bun.file helper. This probably shouldn't be used in any production capacity and instead you should use a static file server for these files, but it's here for demonstration purposes.


Clone the repo and make sure you have Bun installed, then:

bun i


# Run dev server with hot reload (in one tab)
bun dev:server

# Run production server (in another tab)
bun dev:tailwind

Now open up http://localhost:3000 to see the app running.

If you want a custom port or to enable dev mode, create a .env file:



Build a compiled version of the server for running in Bun and TalwindCSS classes:

bun build:tailwind
bun build:server

Now run the built production bundle:

bun start


This projet includes a Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml file so you can run anywhere Docker is supported.

Using Fly.io, you can deploy this by running:

flyctl launch

On subsequent changes, run:

flyctl deploy


Put together by me, Dana Woodman.



Use it however you please. Tweet me if you do something cool with it 🤓