
⚙️ Cross-Platform JavaScript/TypeScript Runtime Adapter

MIT License


Buno ⚙️

Buno.js is a cross-platform runtime adapter for JavaScript and TypeScript, designed to unify API access across Node.js, Bun, and Deno environments. It allows developers to write portable code with consistent APIs, optimizing performance and compatibility for each runtime.

✨ Features

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Works seamlessly across Node.js, Bun, and Deno.
  • Unified API: Provides a consistent interface for accessing common modules
    like fs, path, etc.
  • Runtime Detection: Automatically detects the runtime environment
    and loads the appropriate implementation.
  • Optimized Performance: Adapts to each runtime's specific features
    for optimal performance.

📋 Requirements

Buno only supports at least one of the following runtimes:

🚀 Installation

You can install Buno from NPM or JSR:

  • Using npm:

    From NPM:

    npm install buno.js

    From JSR:

    npx jsr add @siguici/buno
  • Using Yarn:

    From NPM:

    yarn add buno.js

    From JSR:

    yarn dlx jsr add @siguici/buno
  • Using PNPM:

    From NPM:

    pnpm add buno.js

    From JSR:

    pnpm dlx jsr add @siguici/buno
  • Using Bun:

    From NPM:

    bun install buno.js

    From JSR:

    bunx jsr add @siguici/buno
  • Using Deno:

    From NPM:

    deno install npm:buno.js

    From JSR:

    deno add @siguici/buno

    Without install:

    import buno.js from 'jsr:@siguici/buno';

💡 Usage

  • Import from NPM:

    import { fs, path } from 'buno.js';
  • Import from JSR:

    import { fs, path } from '@siguici/buno';
  • Import without install (using Deno):

    import { fs, path } from 'jsr:@siguici/buno';
  • Use modules imported from Buno:

    // Example usage of fs
    fs.readFile('example.txt', 'utf8', (err, data) => {
      if (err) throw err;
    // Example usage of path
    const fullPath = path.resolve('example.txt');

⚙️ Node.js API Compatibility

Buno aims to unify and simplify cross-runtime development by providing a consistent interface for Node.js APIs across Deno and Bun. While Buno strives for complete Node.js API compatibility, some modules may have partial or no implementation in specific runtimes. Most npm packages intended for Node.js environments will work seamlessly with Buno, but the best way to ensure compatibility is to test them directly.

This document is regularly updated to reflect the compatibility status of the latest versions of Deno and Bun. The information below reflects Buno's compatibility with Node.js v20 APIs as implemented in both Deno and Bun. If you encounter any compatibility issues, please open an issue on GitHub. Reporting such issues helps us prioritize and address gaps in compatibility.

  • ✅ = Implemented in both

  • ⚠️ = Partial support

  • ❌ = Not implemented in either

  • 🟢 = Fully implemented

  • 🟡 = Partially implemented

  • 🔴 = Not implemented

📦 Built-in Module Support

  • node:assert

    • 🟢 Fully implemented in both.
  • ⚠️ node:async_hooks

    • 🟡 Only AsyncLocalStorage, and AsyncResource are implemented.
      AsyncResource is missing bind in Bun.
    • 🟡 AsyncLocalStorage is supported. AsyncResource, executionAsyncId,
      and createHook are non-functional stubs in Deno.
  • node:buffer

    • 🟢 Fully implemented in both.
  • ⚠️ node:child_process

    • 🟡 Missing proc.gid, proc.uid. Stream class not exported.
      IPC cannot send socket handles in Bun.
    • 🟢 Fully implemented in Deno
  • node:cluster

    • 🔴 Not implemented in both.
  • node:console

    • 🟢 Fully implemented in both.
  • ⚠️ node:crypto

    • 🟡 Missing various methods including Certificate, ECDH, X509Certificate,
      etc. Some methods are not optimized in Bun.
    • 🟡 Missing Certificate class, crypto.Cipheriv.prototype.setAutoPadding,
      crypto.Decipheriv.prototype.setAutoPadding, crypto.publicDecrypt,
      crypto.ECDH.prototype.convertKey, x448 option for generateKeyPair,
      crypto.KeyObject, and other methods in Deno.
  • ⚠️ node:dgram

    • 🟡 Missing several methods such as setBroadcast, setTTL, setMulticastTTL,
      etc., in Bun.
    • 🟡 Some methods are non-functional stubs in Deno.
  • node:diagnostics_channel

    • 🟢 Fully implemented in both.
  • ⚠️ node:dns

    • 🟡 Missing cancel, setServers, getDefaultResultOrder in Bun.
    • 🟡 Missing dns.resolve* with ttl option in Deno.
  • ⚠️ node:domain

    • 🔴 All exports are non-functional stubs in both
  • ⚠️ node:events

    • 🟡 events.addAbortListener & events.getMaxListeners
      do not support (web api) EventTarget in Bun.
    • 🟢 Fully implemented in Deno
  • ⚠️ node:fs

    • 🟡 Missing statfs, statfsSync, opendirSync.
      Dir is partially implemented in Bun.
    • 🟡 Missing utf16le, latin1, and ucs2 encoding for fs.writeFile and fs.writeFileSync.
      lchmod is missing in fs/promises in Deno.
  • node:http

    • 🟢 Fully implemented in both.
      Outgoing client request body is currently buffered instead of streamed in Bun.
  • ⚠️ node:http2

    • 🟡 Client is supported, but server isn't yet in Bun.
    • 🟡 Partially supported, major work in progress to enable grpc-js in Deno.
  • ⚠️ node:https

    • 🟡 APIs are implemented, but Agent is not always used yet in Bun.
    • 🟡 Missing https.Server.opts.cert and https.Server.opts.key array type in Deno.
  • node:inspector

    • 🔴 Not implemented in both.
  • ⚠️ node:module

    • 🟡 Missing runMain, syncBuiltinESMExports, Module#load().
      Attempts to override or patch the module cache will fail in Bun.
    • 🟡 The register() function is not supported in Deno.
  • ⚠️ node:net

    • 🟡 Missing SocketAddress Stream, BlockList is a no-op in Bun.
    • 🟡 Missing net.Socket.prototype.constructor with fd option in Deno.
  • node:os

    • 🟢 Fully implemented in both.
  • node:path

    • 🟢 Fully implemented in both.
  • ⚠️ node:perf_hooks

    • 🟡 Missing createHistogram, monitorEventLoopDelay in Bun.
    • 🟡 Missing perf_hooks.eventLoopUtilization, perf_hooks.timerify,
      perf_hooks.monitorEventLoopDelay in Deno.
  • ⚠️ node:process

    • 🟡 See process Global in Bun.
    • 🟡 Missing multipleResolves, worker events in Deno.
  • node:punycode

    • 🟢 Fully implemented in both.
  • node:querystring

    • 🟢 Fully implemented in both.
  • node:readline

    • 🟢 Fully implemented in both.
  • node:repl

    • 🔴 Not implemented in Bun.
    • 🟡 builtinModules and _builtinLibs are supported.
      Missing REPLServer.prototype.constructor and start() in Deno.
  • ⚠️ node:stream

    • 🟡 Missing getDefaultHighWaterMark, setDefaultHighWaterMark, toWeb in Bun.
    • 🟢 Fully implemented in Deno.
  • node:string_decoder

    • 🟢 Fully implemented in both.
  • node:sys

    • 🟢 Fully implemented in both.
  • node:test

    • 🔴 Not implemented in Bun. Use bun:test instead.
    • 🟡 Currently only test API is supported in Deno.
  • node:timers

    • 🟢 Fully implemented in both.
  • ⚠️ node:tls

    • 🟡 Missing createSecurePair in both.
  • node:trace_events

    • 🔴 Not implemented in both.
  • node:tty

    • 🟢 Fully implemented in both.
  • ⚠️ node:util

    • 🟡 Missing MIMEParams, MIMEType, aborted, debug, getSystemErrorMap,
      transferableAbortController, transferableAbortSignal in Bun.
    • 🟡 Missing aborted, transferableAbortSignal, transferableAbortController,
      MIMEParams, MIMEType and getSystemErrorMap in Deno.
  • node:url

    • 🟢 Fully implemented in both.
  • node:v8

    • 🟡 serialize and deserialize use JavaScriptCore's wire format
      instead of V8's. Otherwise, not implemented in Bun.
    • 🟡 cachedDataVersionTag and getHeapStatistics are supported. setFlagsFromStrings
      is a noop. Other APIs are not supported and will throw an error in Deno.
  • ⚠️ node:vm

    • 🟡 Core functionality works,
      but experimental VM ES modules are not implemented in Bun.
    • 🟡 Partial support in Deno
  • node:wasi

    • 🔴 Not implemented in both.
  • ⚠️ node:worker_threads

    • 🟡 Worker doesn't support the following options in Bun:
      stdin, stdout, stderr, trackedUnmanagedFds, resourceLimits.
      Missing markAsUntransferable, moveMessagePortToContext,
      getHeapSnapshot in Bun.
    • 🟡 Missing parentPort.emit, parentPort.removeAllListeners,
      markAsUntransferable, moveMessagePortToContext, receiveMessageOnPort,
      Worker.prototype.getHeapSnapshot in Deno.
  • ⚠️ node:zlib

    • 🟡 Unoptimized in Bun.
    • 🟢 Fully implemented in Deno.

🌐 Globals support

  • AbortController

  • AbortSignal

  • Blob

  • Buffer

  • ByteLengthQueuingStrategy

  • ⚠️ __dirname

    • 🟢 Fully supported in Bun
    • 🔴 Not implemented in Deno
  • ⚠️ __filename

    • 🟢 Fully supported in Bun
    • 🔴 Not implemented in Deno
  • atob()

  • BroadcastChannel

  • btoa()

  • clearImmediate()

  • clearInterval()

  • clearTimeout()

  • CompressionStream

    • 🟢 Not implemented in Bun
    • 🔴 Fully supported in Deno
  • console

  • CountQueuingStrategy

  • Crypto

  • SubtleCrypto (crypto)

  • CryptoKey

  • CustomEvent

  • DecompressionStream

    • 🔴 Not implemented in Bun
    • 🟢 Fully supported in Deno
  • Event

  • EventTarget

  • exports

  • fetch

  • FormData

  • global

    • 🟡 Fully supported in both (Note: In Bun, globalThis aliases to global.)
  • globalThis

  • Headers

  • MessageChannel

  • MessageEvent

  • MessagePort

  • module

  • PerformanceEntry

  • PerformanceMark

  • PerformanceMeasure

  • PerformanceObserver

  • 🔴 PerformanceObserverEntryList

    • 🟢 Fully supported in Bun
    • 🔴 Not implemented in Deno
  • PerformanceResourceTiming

  • performance

  • ⚠️ process

    • 🟡 Partial support in Bun (Missing several methods and features)
    • 🟢 Fully supported in Deno
  • queueMicrotask()

  • ReadableByteStreamController

  • ReadableStream

  • ReadableStreamBYOBReader

  • ReadableStreamBYOBRequest

  • ReadableStreamDefaultController

  • ReadableStreamDefaultReader

  • require()

    • 🟢 Fully supported in Bun (including require.main, require.cache, require.resolve)
    • 🟢 Fully supported in Deno
  • Response

  • Request

  • setImmediate()

  • setInterval()

  • setTimeout()

  • structuredClone()

  • DOMException

  • TextDecoder

  • TextDecoderStream

  • TextEncoder

  • TextEncoderStream

  • TransformStream

  • TransformStreamDefaultController

  • URL

  • URLSearchParams

  • WebAssembly

  • WritableStream

  • WritableStreamDefaultController

  • WritableStreamDefaultWriter


Contributions are welcome! If you have suggestions or improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.

📜 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.

🔗 Contact

For questions or feedback, you can reach out to [email protected].

Buno aims to make cross-runtime development easier and more efficient. We hope you find it useful! 🎉