Bring Your Own Badge - Create dynamic README badges based off of your GitHub Actions

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BYOB - TypeScript, Local Badgen & Icon Updates Latest Release

Published by RubbaBoy almost 3 years ago

BYOB has moved to a local version of Badgen, resulting in about ~2x faster responses on average, and heavily increased stability and reliability. The codebase has also moved to TypeScript for a less painful development process. Icons have also had an overhaul, now URLs are supported, along with Base64 SVG representations of icons. This allows for much greater control over icons, expanding from the few preset icons.

An excerpt from the README demonstrating these changes:

Custom Icon URL

NAME: custom
ICON: ''
STATUS: 'Custom Icons'
COLOR: red

Custom Icon Inline SVG

NAME: custom
ICON: ''
STATUS: 'Custom Icons'
COLOR: blue

The above ICON value is a Base64 encoded representation of a colored SVG Material Icon. This provides for great flexibility, with the benefit of keeping it local. The resulting icon is:

BYOB - Cross-branch pushing

Published by RubbaBoy about 3 years ago

Features PR #6 by @jcuna to feature cross-branch pushing and some other fixes, along with some things I forgot to push with the last release.

BYOB - Standalone Branch

Published by RubbaBoy over 4 years ago

Switched to a standalone shields branch to allow for a much cleaner commit history.

BYOB - Initial Release

Published by RubbaBoy over 4 years ago

BYOB currently works and has plans for expansion/optimization in the future.