
OCaml's Result and Option modules in TypeScript, for funzies.


Camel TS

[!WARNING] This project is just something I'm doing for fun. It is not—and may not ever be—meant for use in any serious capacity.

A direct translation (or as close as possible) of select parts of OCaml's standard library in TypeScript.


  • Result: Represents a value (Ok) or an error (Error), directly modeled
    after OCaml's Result module and result type.
  • Option: Represents a value (Some) or no value (None), mirroring
    OCaml's Option module and option type.
  • Float: A direct translation of OCaml's float type and Float module.
  • Int: A direct translation of OCaml's int type and Int module.
  • Char: A direct translation of OCaml's char type and Char module.
  • Array: A custom implementation of OCaml's array type and Array module.
  • Exceptions: Some OCaml exceptions are translated to TypeScript errors.


For now, you'll have to clone the repository and copy what you need.


Both Result and Option contain all of the same functionality as their OCaml counterparts, with a couple additional utility functions. You can reference the OCaml docs for Result and Option for more information.

Result Type

  • Creation: Create Ok or Err types using Result.ok and Result.err, akin to OCaml's constructors.
  • Transformation: Transform results with map, map_err, bind, following the OCaml approach.
  • Error Handling: Extract values or errors with get_ok, get_err, similar to OCaml's handling methods.

Option Type

  • Creation: Create Some or None types using Option.some and Option.none, directly inspired by OCaml.
  • Transformation: Transform options with map, bind, as per OCaml's functionality.
  • Utility: Check for values with is_some, is_none, replicating OCaml's utility functions.


import { Result, Option } from "./camel-ts";

let v = Result.ok(5);
let e = Result.err(new Error("Something went wrong"));

let s = Option.some(5);
let n = Option.none();

function divide(a: number, b: number): Result<number, string> {
    if (b === 0) {
        return Result.err("Division by zero");
    return Result.ok(a / b);

It also provides two utilities for each that are not found in OCaml: Result.of, Result.match, Option.of, and Option.match. They can be used to create and match against results and options, respectively.

const resultOfSomethingDangerous = Result.of(() => {
    return JSON.parse("{invalid json}");
}); // will be Err<Error>

const value = Result.match(resultOfSomethingDangerous, {
    Ok: (v) => v,
    Err: (e) => "Default value",

const map = new Map<string, number>();

const maybeA = Option.of(map.get("a")); // will be None, because map.get("a") returns undefined

const value = Option.match(maybeA, {
    Some: (v) => v,
    None: () => "Default value",


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit pull requests or open issues to discuss potential changes or improvements.

This project uses Bun.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.