

MIT License



Serverless live streaming

Chalkstream is an open source, self-hosted live streaming "server" that runs on serverless edge functions. You can stream right from the browser, with a public link to share with your friends. It uses Netlify Edge Functions to ingest and serve HLS streams, and the chunks are stored in Netlify Blobs. Control your own data.

How it works

HLS is a streaming protocol created by Apple that doesn't require a special server to stream. It works by splitting the video into small chunks, and serving them in a playlist. Chalkstream does this encoding in the browser using a WebAssembly build of FFmpeg. This is a lot quicker if your browser natively supports H.264 (most except Firefox). Otherwise your computer needs to be quite fast if it is to handle real-time encoding. The chunks are then uploaded to Netlify Blobs. Netlify Edge Functions handle the ingest and generating the dynamic playlist.

See a demo

When you load the broadcast page it generates a random stream ID, and once you start streaming you can share a page with the live stream. HLS streams can be played in any modern browser, either natively or via Media Source Extensions and Hls.js. Players such as Video.js and react-player make this easy - see the demo sites for examples.


Chalkstream supports vanilla HTML+JS, plus React. For the vanilla version you can either install it from npm and use it with a bundler or load it from a CDN directly in the HTML page. For React, you can install it and import the component.

From a CDN

You can load the library directly from a CDN. This is the simplest way to get started.

  <video id="myself" autoplay muted></video>
  <div id="controls" hidden>
    <button id="start">Start streaming</button>
    <a id="playback-link" target="_blank">Playback link</a>
  <script type="module">
    import { ChalkStream } from "";

    const stream = new ChalkStream({
      onReady: async (streamId) => {
        document.getElementById("controls").hidden = false;
        const playback = document.getElementById("playback-link");
        playback.href = `/play/${streamId}`;
      videoElement: document.getElementById("myself"),
      onError: (error) => {

    const start = document.getElementById("start");

    start.addEventListener("click", async () => {
      if (!stream.isStreaming) {
        start.textContent = "Stop";
      } else {
        start.textContent = "Start";


With a bundler

Install the package:

npm install chalkstream

Then import it:

import { ChalkStream } from "chalkstream";

const stream = new ChalkStream({
  onReady: async (streamId) => {
    document.getElementById("controls").hidden = false;
    const playback = document.getElementById("playback-link");
    playback.href = `/play/${streamId}`;
  videoElement: document.getElementById("myself"),
  onError: (error) => {

With React

Install the package:

npm install chalkstream

Then import the component:

import { ChalkStreamVideo, type ChalkStreamRef } from "chalkstream/react";

export const VideoPlayer = () => {
  const [streamId, setStreamId] = useState<string | null>(null);
  const chalkstreamRef = useRef<ChalkStreamRef>(null);

  const togglePlayback = () => {
    if (chalkstreamRef.current?.isStreaming) {
    } else {

  return (
      <ChalkStreamVideo onReady={setStreamId} ref={ChalkStreamRef} />
      {streamId ? (
        <div id="controls">
          <button onClick={togglePlayback}>⏯️</button>
          <a href={`/play/${streamId}`} target="_blank">
            Playback link
      ) : null}

Edge functions

However you build the site, you need to include three edge functions in the netlify/edge-functions directory. These are ingest, chunk and manifest. These just re-export the edge functions from the chalkstream/edge module. Ensure that you have the correct config for each function so that the paths match.

// netlify/edge-functions/ingest.ts
import type { Context, Config } from "@netlify/edge-functions";

export { ingestHandler as default } from "";

export const config: Config = {
  method: "PUT",
  path: "/ingest/:session/:digest.ts",
// netlify/edge-functions/chunk.ts
import type { Context, Config } from "@netlify/edge-functions";

export { chunkHandler as default } from "";

export const config: Config = {
  method: "GET",
  path: "/chunk/:session/:digest.ts",
// netlify/edge-functions/manifest.ts
import type { Context, Config } from "@netlify/edge-functions";

export { manifestHandler as default } from "";

export const config: Config = {
  method: "GET",
  path: "/playlist/:session.m3u8",



This is the main class. You either instantiate it, passing it a config object and HTMLVideoElement, or you can use the React component which returns the object in a ref.

new ChalkStream(config: ChalkStreamConfig)


By default, anybody can create a stream, and anybody can view it.

If you deploy the site yourself you should restrict access to prevent abuse. To help with this, you can pass an "authorization" prop to the Chalkstream consturctor, and it will be sent to the ingest endpoint as a bearer token. You will need to check that header yourself at the moment!

Any completed stream can be viewed on-demand automatically. A stream is considered complete if no chunks have been received for 30 seconds, but you can resume streaming with the same session id and it will continue where it left off.

All streams are public by default, and anyone can access the ingest endpoint. If you want to do anything serious you should restrict access. The playback endpoints require knowing the stream id, which is a hash of the session ID. Anyone who knows the session ID can record to that stream, so don't share it! Don't use your stream to record state secrets or recite your wallet seed phrase.

1. Deploy the site

Clone the repo, or use the button above to deploy the site to Netlify.

2. Customise the site, player etc


Copyright Matt Kane 2023. Chalkstream is released under the MIT license.