
Cinephile is a movie-centric web application designed to help users discover, explore, and track their favorite films.


Cinephile — v1

Welcome to Cinephile! I’m Jayasriraam, a front-end Developer based in Chennai, and I’m excited to share my project with you. Cinephile is a movie-centric web application designed to help users discover, explore, and track their favorite films. This project combines a sleek user interface with powerful backend functionality to provide an engaging movie experience.

Tech Stack

Client: Next.js, TailwindCSS, Shadcn UI

Server: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB

Hosting: Vercel

Screenshots & Demo

View Live Demo

Problems & Solutions

Problem 1: Efficient Movie Data Management ? Challenge: Handling and displaying extensive movie data efficiently while ensuring fast load times and a responsive user experience.

Solution: Implemented a server-side rendering approach with Next.js to fetch and render movie data before sending it to the client. Used MongoDB to store and manage movie data efficiently, and integrated caching mechanisms to reduce load times and improve performance.

Problem 2: Responsive Design Challenge: Ensuring that the application is fully responsive and provides a seamless experience across various devices and screen sizes.

Solution: Utilized TailwindCSS for a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes. Incorporated Shadcn UI components for a consistent and accessible user interface. Employed flexible grid layouts, media queries, and accessibility best practices to ensure a seamless experience across devices and for all users.

Problem 3: Real-Time Search and Filtering Challenge: Implementing an effective search and filtering mechanism to allow users to find movies quickly and easily.

Solution: Integrated dynamic search functionality that updates results in real-time as users type. Used efficient querying techniques with MongoDB to handle search and filtering operations swiftly, providing users with instant feedback.

Problem 4: User Authentication and Data Security Challenge: Implementing secure user authentication and ensuring that user data is protected.

Solution: Incorporated authentication mechanisms to allow users to create accounts and log in securely. Used industry-standard practices for password hashing and data encryption to safeguard user information and prevent unauthorized access.

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

Install dependencies

  cd cinephile
  cd frontend
  npm install

Start the server

  npm run dev

Contributing & Usage

Feel free to use or adapt the front-end code for your own movie-related projects. I encourage you to customize the theme and components to fit your needs. Please note that the backend code is not included in this repository and should be used for reference only. If you choose to use same backend code, ensure that it is independently developed. The content of this application is tailored to movie enthusiasts and showcases various film-related features, showcase my skills also.

Incase you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me on Instagram. I am always happy to help!
