
Main server of Codeing Hive in NestJS


Codeing Hive Server

Welcome to the Codeing Hive Server repository! This server powers a dynamic platform for coding challenges, contests, and user submissions. Below, you'll find a comprehensive guide to set up the server, contribute to the project, and an overview of the current to-do list.

Feel free to explore, contribute, and make this platform even better! If you have any questions or suggestions, don't hesitate to reach out.

Table of Contents


  1. Clone the Repo:

    git clone
    cd CodeingHive-Server-main
  2. Setup Repository:

    • Using bash script:

      bash -i
    • Using terminal commands:

      npm i
      cp .env.example .env
      docker compose up dev-db -d
      npx prisma migrate dev --name init
      npx prisma migrate deploy
  3. Start the Server:

    • Using bash script:

      bash -d
      # To start db visual preview
      bash -db
    • Using terminal commands:

      # Visit http://localhost:3000 to visualize APIs and schema
      npm run start:dev
      # To start db visual preview
      npx prisma studio
  4. Restart Database:

    • Using bash script:

      bash -r
    • Using terminal commands:

      docker compose rm dev-db -s -f -v
      docker compose up dev-db -d
      npx prisma migrate dev --name init
      npx prisma migrate deploy


All contributions are appreciated. Whether you're fixing a bug, adding a new feature, or improving documentation, your efforts make a difference. Please refer to the Contribution Guidelines for more details.



  • Auth

    • POST /auth/signup - Signup
    • POST /auth/signin - Signin
  • User

    • GET /user/:id - Get user with ID: id
    • GET /user - Get all users
    • PUT /user/:id - Update user with ID: id
    • GET /user?q= - Sort query users
  • Problem

    • GET /problem/:id - Get problem with ID: id
    • GET /problem - Get all problems
    • GET /problem?q= - Sort query problems
  • Submission

    • GET /submission/:id - Get submission with ID: id
    • GET /submission - Get all submissions
    • POST /submission - Submit a solution
    • GET /submission?q= - Sort query submissions


  • Contest

    • GET /contest/:id - Get contest with ID: id
    • GET /contest - Get all contests
    • POST /contest - Create a contest
    • PUT /contest/:id - Update contest with ID: id
    • GET /contest?q= - Sort query contests
  • Contest Problem

    • GET /contest/:id/problem/:id - Get contest problem with ID: id
    • GET /contest/:id/problem - Get all contest problems
    • POST /contest/:id/problem - Create a contest problem
    • PUT /contest/:id/problem/:id - Update contest problem with ID: id
    • GET /contest/:id/problem?q= - Sort query contest problems
  • Update schema.prisma

Happy coding!