
VS code extension that offers more copy options.


Copy Text

"Copy text" is a Visual Studio Code extension that offers more copy options: Copies text without colors, optionally adds metainfo like document name and date.


Copy text without syntax highlighting

  • press Ctrl+Shift+C
  • or select 'Copy Without Syntax Highlighting' from your context menu
  • or select 'Copy Without Syntax Highlighting' from command palette (F1)

Copy text with metainfo

  • select 'Copy Text With Metainfo' from command palette (F1)
  • press Ctrl+Shift+M

It will look like this:

    const selection = editor.selection;
    const caret = selection.start;
(c:\Git-Repos\comment-ts\src\documenter.ts - line 107 - 26.5.2018 06:22:50)

Append text to clipboard (without syntax highlighting)

(If you like to copy more parts and paste them at once.)

  • select 'Copy and Append Text Without Syntax Highlighting' from command palette (F1)
  • press Ctrl+Shift+A Ctrl+Shift+C

Append text to clipboard with metainfo

(If you like to copy more parts including metainfo and paste them at once.)

  • select 'Copy and Append Text With Metainfo' from command palette (F1)
  • press Ctrl+Shift+A Ctrl+Shift+M

Copy code for markdown

  • select 'Copy Code for Markdown' from command palette (F1)


There are several options how to compose the metainfo (see contributions).