
TypeScript CSS types and value helpers generated from MDN data

MIT License



This library provides TypeScript types for CSS properties. It uses data provided by MDN to generate types. This project is similar to https://github.com/frenic/csstype, but differs in some key points:

  1. Allow typing of dynamic user input for lengths and other custom inputs
  2. Generate pre-combined types where possible, e.g. the display property
  3. Usage of tuples to express non-combineable types
  4. Exported types aren't exhaustive, only standard property types are generated

It has mainly been designed to generate types which could be consumed by https://github.com/johanneslumpe/styled-props which can natively work with the generated tuple types. Maybe others will find this helpful as well.

The type generation process itself works, but doesn't yet support all CSS features. E.g. functions are aliased to string, instead of auto-generated helper functions which return branded types.

All properties are suffixed with Property and combined types are suffixed with Combined, e.g. DisplayProperty and DisplayPropertyCombined.

Get it

npm i @johanneslumpe/css-types

Use it



Typedocs can be found in the docs folder